Resource Information ASAP Elainie Lendebol, SSM Jenny Perez Bruno, SSM Hafsa Patel, SSM
Quick Overview This program is designed to provide the following support to students: Monthly Unlimited Metro Card $500 yearly stipend for textbooks $250 per semester Tuition Waiver (for students in receipt of financial aid) Mentorship Advisement (this means no long waiting lines!) Serves as a networking resource
Requirements Students must have: Minimum 2.0 GPA and less than 15 credits for continuing students No more than 2 developmental courses Must participaticate as a full-time student 15 credits (12 credits session 1 and 3 credits session 2) Must meet with their assigned ASAP Advisor 2x a month Students must register for ASAP-blocked course (3 are preferred) This program is designed for the completion of the entire Associates degree; mid-transfer students are not eligible
Process of Application Students are invited to attend an information session which takes place before the start of a new semester. Students are screened once they attend an information session Qualified students are sent an application
Additional Perks ASAP works closely with the Transfer Center, the Wellness Center, CUNY Start, and other college resources. Students are now accepted both in the Fall and the Spring semesters Evening students are exempt from the ASAP block-course requirement since evening block classes are not offered
Additional Information -The ASAP program has a 90% retention rate What does this mean?? *90% of students in this program stay in college -ASAP program has a 52% graduation rate: Meaning that students (YOU!) have a higher chance of reaching the finish line *The ASAP program is ideal for 2-year college students. Students planning to transfer to a four-year college can also benefit from the College Discovery program.
The 411 You can contact ASAP Recruitment Specialist Danny Ng in room B Phone: Website:
Acknowledgements The information in this presentation was obtained from a brief interview with Danny Ng from the ASAP Office for students in the FYS.