Social Media Ethics
STEP 1 - LEARN Today, you will learn ethical guidelines for using social media to enhance creation of the yearbook.
Point 1: It is unethical to steal someone’s photo from their social media collection for use in your publication, the yearbook or newspaper. RULE #1: Do not use photos from Facebook, Twitter, etc. without someone’s permission. SOCIAL MEDIA ETHICS
Point 2: A large portion of the school has often already seen photos that are on social media. RULE #2: Plan your spread well in advance so you know what photos you need on a page. Follow through with commitments to take photos/attend events so that the content you are delivering to the school is fresh and new.
Point 3: Photos downloaded from social media may not be print quality since web display is usually 72 dpi and print display is usually 300 dpi. RULE #3: Ask the owner of the photo for an original photo, rather than downloading it from social media. By doing this, you get permission to use the photo and a better quality photo. SOCIAL MEDIA ETHICS
STEP 2 - PRACTICE Review the Permission to Use form included in this 7-Minute Starter, shown on the following slide. Discuss questions as a class.
Insert image of Permission to Use form when it is formatted.
STEP 3 - DO Use the form whenever you utilize photos from outside sources. File the form in the yearbook staff’s Permission to Use (PTU) binder or submit it electronically.