Houston METRO Houston Downtown Management District Emergency Response Plan/ Hurricane Preparedness Briefing June 2014
2,244 Vehicles 3,400 Employees 2,700 in Operations 77,000,000 Miles operated (all services) 80,000,000 Passengers Over 370,000 times a day, people rely on the services of METRO The Basics
Emergency Management Plan All-hazards approach Updated version includes input from all METRO Departments Incorporates lessons learned Plan integrates with City of Houston and Harris County Emergency Management Plans Compliant with FTA/DHS guidelines and with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) 3 Emergency Response
4 Houston Region Evacuation METRO’s role Responsible for the coordination of transportation (special needs) to the centers of embarkation George R. Brown Convention Center This effort will include METRO buses, METROlift, Yellow Cab, Super Shuttle, and other private carriers
5 If we took you to work we bring you home Evacuation 211/ 311 interface Provide local transportation to the GRB / interim shelters. ‘ First line of defense. Get as many people in affected areas to safe haven at the GRB State buses take people from GR B / interim shelters to Dallas and other cities depending on storm track Coming home Provide local transportation from GRB / interim shelters Our Role
After the storm Resume services as fast as safely possible Initially Rail as fast as possible Local bus on 14 core routes Routes may be heavily detoured or truncated Constant updates to media, social media and on webpage Up to date information available at our call center number Over first week Park and rides (main lanes until HOV/HOT open) Bring up remainder of local routes 6
Early outs/ inclement weather Metro brings over 50,000 people into downtown Houston on a daily basis Limited resources designed to bring people to work in a staggered fashion. A rush hour is actually a 2.5 hours. METRO will not have enough equipment to bring everybody home at the same time. Move our peak service to earlier in the day and extend to last bus 7
How you can Help Request companies staggers as best they can Please be patient Look for update on our webpage, social media, media and through blast from the District. You may have to stand. Please be understanding 8