ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT 1 ●General status of the project - presentation of the project tracking ○ Objectives ○ Coordination activities ○ Advisory Board ○ CA Status TASK by TASK Status HAZARD by HAZARD - and relation to the tasks Main upcoming deadlines Main outcome needed from this meeting Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Objectives 2 -Deliver world leading multi ‐ hazard capability to the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) -Offer a flexible and scalable system that can provide new hazard ‐ related services to the ERCC and -Create a pool of experts in the field of Meteorology and Geophysics of Europe that can support the ERCC with regard to situation assessments in crisis situations. Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Objectives - in simple terms 3 Provide prompt assessment of the situation to ERCC by making a available hazard experts on call and the resulting reports The Expert Analysis/Judgment should emphasis Exposure & Impact on people and major primary and hazardous infrastructures and lifelines Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Objectives - How ? 4 ➢ Agree on the products to provide to ERCC ○Two meetings with ERCC (Teleco + visit) ○Use cases agreed ( ➢ What can be provided by JRC ○Visit to JRC by INGV Team ( ➢ Get Organizational and Operational parts together ○Task 3 defines the Organization (Partnership, Governance) ○Task 4 defines (together with the Hazard Leaders) the Operations Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Organization (Task 3) 5 ➢ T3.1 Establishment of the scientific partnership [0...+7months] ○T3.1.1 Analysis of existing networks, practises and monitoring technologies [ months] ■T3.1.1 Questionnaire ○T3.1.2 Building and establishing the partnership [ months] Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Organization (Task 3) 6 ➢ T3.2 Implementation of a sustainable governance structure [ months] ○the first draft of “Governance Document” will be sent to ERCC and partners for review and feedback (+4 ‐ 5 months). ○pre ‐ final version of Governance Document will be delivered (+9 months) Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Organization - Milestones (Task 3) 7 ➢ T3 ‐ M1 Questionnaire being sent to consortium partners (+1 months). ➢ T3 ‐ M2 Dedicated meeting between ERCC and Task representatives (+1 months -> +3 months) ➢ T3 ‐ M3 Analysis of the existing methodologies, networks and state ‐ of ‐ the ‐ art monitoring technologies (+4 months -> +4-5 months ). ➢ T3 ‐ M4 First draft of Governance Document being sent to ERCC and partners for review (+4 months -> +4-5 months ). Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Organization - Milestones (Task 3) 8 ➢ T3 ‐ M5 Meeting and signing the “Terms of Reference for European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership” (+7 months). ➢ T3 ‐ M6 Start of testing of working and reporting methodologies +9 months ➢ M7 Final report of Governance Document (+12 months) ➢ T3 ‐ M8 First draft of “Guidelines and Recommendations for the European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership” document for review (+18 months) ➢ ● T3 ‐ M9 Final report of Guidelines and Recommendations for the European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership (+24 months) Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Operation (Task 4) 9 ➢ T4.1 ‐ Establish a 24/7 monitoring and analytical service for the Earthquakes (Tsunami’s), Volcanic Ash / Gas, Severe Weather & Flooding for ERCC ○T4 ‐ M1 Meeting for finalising the prototype concept for integration of solutions from different centers (+5 months) T4.1 ○T4 ‐ M2 Implementation of the software prototype (+9 months) T4.1 ○T4 ‐ M3 Implementation of the software interface to JRC platform (+9 months) T4.1 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE Multi- Hazard System 10 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
11 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016 Organization (T3): -Partnership -Governance Rules/Terms of Reference (T4): -SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) ARISTOTLE Multi- Hazard System
12 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016 Organization (T3): -Partnership -Governance Rules/Terms of Reference (T4): -SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) ARISTOTLE Multi- Hazard System
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT TASK 1 - Coordination 13 -Internal project communication platform - internal web site ( -Set up of Project Boards (see CA Article 4) with: -Tasks - Project Management Board (PMB) -Hazards - Multi Hazard Operational Board (MHOB) -Advisory Board (AB) ( -Steering Committee (SC) -Consortium Agreement (CA) -Risks and Mitigation Status Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT TASK 2 - Inventory 14 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016 Creation of an inventory of entities which operate on a 24/7 basis and are lawfully mandated to provide expert advice to their respective national Civil Protection authorities with regard to natural hazards and/or disaster risks. -Booklet -DB + Web interface ~ 75% replied and provided the infos
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT TASK 2 - Inventory 15 -T2 ‐ M1: Standard questionnaire sent to selected entities (+0.5 Month). -T2 ‐ M2: Completed survey forms are collected in the application (+0.5 Month). -T2 ‐ M3: Compilation of inventory and delivery of Web application is ready (+3 Month -> 5 Months). -T2 ‐ M4a: spot updates to inventory (+12 Month). -T2 ‐ M4b: spot updates to inventory (+24 Month) Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
General status of the project 16 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June
General status of the project (T1) 17 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
General status of the project (T2) 18 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
General status of the project (T3) 19 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
General status of the project (T3) 20 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
Hazard by hazard status 21 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016 Severe weatherFloodingVolcanoEarthquakes/tsunamis SOPYYDiscussed QuestionnaireYYY Knowledge MatrixNYY Decision matrixY (in the SOP)Based on shaking/population and inundation/run-up Reporting template (after meeting in Brussels) YYY
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Main Upcoming Deadlines 22 ➢ T4 ‐ M1 Meeting for finalising the prototype concept for integration of solutions from different centers (+5 months) T4.1 ○IT technical meeting for the ARISTOTLE platform software prototype (September) ➢ T4 ‐ M2 Implementation of the software prototype (+9 months) T4.1 ➢ T4 ‐ M3 Implementation of the software interface to JRC platform (+9 months) T4.1 ➢ T3 ‐ M4 First draft of Governance Document being sent to ERCC and partners for review (+4 months). ➢ T3 ‐ M5 Meeting and signing the “Terms of Reference for European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership” (+7 months). Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Main Outcomes of this Meeting 23 ➢ SOP (Standard Operating Protocol) ○Each Hazard to agree on how they operate singularly within the multi-hazard consortium ■This is essential for the Governance and for “Terms of Reference for European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership” ○Which institution will operate in each hazard ○Multi-hazard platform terms of reference ➢ For each hazard ○Matrix of knowledge (i.e., within each hazard, what products are offered and by whom) ○Decision matrix for each hazard ○Risks ➢ Date of the IT technical meeting for the ARISTOTLE platform software prototype Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
ARISTOTLE STATUS REPORT Main Outcomes of this Meeting 24 ➢ SOP (Standard Operating Protocol) ○Each Hazard to agree on how they operate singularly within the multi-hazard consortium ■This is essential for the Governance and for “Terms of Reference for European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership” ■OK besides the Floods but we have a plan ○Which institution will operate in each hazard ○OK ○Multi-hazard platform terms of reference ○Not decided – Bob will prepare a document with different alteranitives ➢ For each hazard ○Matrix of knowledge (i.e., within each hazard, what products are offered and by whom) ○Ok all but the SV ○Decision matrix for each hazard ○Risks ➢ Date of the IT technical meeting for the ARISTOTLE platform software prototype Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
Thank you 25 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016
General status of the project (T1 + T2) 26 Internal ARISTOTLE Meeting Milano June 2016