Death By Coke What does it take to kill a man with pop and candy?
Variables Dependent- pressures I get from reaction Independent - combination of pop and Mentos
Materials Diet Coke ( name brand or generic in 2 liter and 20oz. sizes ), Mentos ( name brand ), balloons
Hypothesis –I predict that a 2 liter bottle of name brand Coke and a single roll of name brand Mentos will produce the highest pressures.
Process 1.First I will individually test each combination of generic and name brand soda and Mentos. I will also test different sizes and choose the ones that I think creates the highest pressure to conduct my experiment with. 2. Second I will test to see if my theory is even reasonable using balloons. I will repeat what I did in the last step using the most powerful combinations only this time placing balloons over the openings. 3. Depending on the results I get I may or may not continue testing.
Results Using a 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke and also using the generic version the theory test proved successful. Even with a partial package of mentos the ballons ruptured almost immediately
Conclusion With absolute perfect conditions are created suffocation may be possible but the chances of stomach rupture are next to none