Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2011 HIV Prevalence
Methodology and Response Rate HIV Prevalence © 2009 Emawyish Seme, Courtesy of Photoshare Health workers test men for HIV in Ethiopia.
Background: HIV Testing All women age and men age in every household. Five drops of blood from a finger prick collected only if consent was provided by respondent. Anonymous-linked protocol used to link prevalence to behavioral characteristics after all identification codes deleted. Each household, whether the individuals consented to testing or not, was given an information booklet on HIV/AIDS and a list of fixed VCT sites in surrounding districts within the surrounding 10 km radius from the cluster for each region. For households farther than 10 km from a fixed VCT site, mobile VCT units were set up in or near survey areas following data collection. The USAID and CDC partners provided the logistical services for the provisions of mobile VCT services. Ethical clearance for the survey was provided by the EHNRI Review Board, the National Research Ethics Review Committee (NRERC) at the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Institutional Review Board of ICF International, and the CDC.
Logistics Representatives from EHNRI assisted in training participants on the finger prick for blood collection and proper handling and storage of the dried blood spots (DBS) for HIV testing. Specimens logged and checked in the field and the CSA headquarters, then transported to to EHNRI in Addis Ababa for HIV testing. Testing conducted at EHNRI – All samples tested with first ELISA assay test. All positives were subjected to a second ELISA. – Positives on both tests rendered positive, discordant samples retested with a Western Blot was used to confirm whether the result was negative or positive. If the results was still discordant, the sample was rendered indeterminate.
HIV Response Rate by Residence Percentage of women and men tested
HIV Response Rate by Region Percent of eligible women and men tested Ethiopia total 86%
Methodology and Response Rate HIV Prevalence © 2009 Emawyish Seme, Courtesy of Photoshare Health workers test men for HIV in Ethiopia.
HIV Prevalence Percent HIV positive, women and men age 15-49
HIV Prevalence by Residence Percent HIV positive, women and men age 15-49
HIV Prevalence by Age Age Percent HIV positive
Percent HIV positive men and women age HIV Prevalence by Region Ethiopia total 1.5%
HIV Prevalence by Education Percent HIV positive, women and men age 15-49
HIV Prevalence by Wealth PoorestRichest Percent HIV positive, women and men age 15-49
HIV Prevalence by Marital Status Percent HIV positive, women and men age 15-49
HIV Prevalence and Number of Lifetime Partners Percent HIV positive, women and men age 15-49
Discordance among Couples Percent distribution of couples living in the same household, both of whom were tested for HIV
HIV Prevalence among Youth Percent HIV positive, women and men age 15-24
Summary 1.5% of adults are HIV-positive. – 1.9% of women and 1.0% of men are infected Prevalence is highest among women in urban areas (5.2%). Prevalence is highest among those who are widowed and those who are divorced/separated. Prevalence increases with number of lifetime partners. 2% of couples are discordant—meaning one partner is infected and the other is not. 0.3% of young people age are HIV-positive.