WHY COLLEGE? I see elementary school, middle school, and high school are almost a video game, you learn and collect knowledge like collecting coins/boosts in a video game and go to the next level when you learn and do the things needed for that level, and college is the final level of the “game” until you reach the prize which in the real world is the knowledge you needed to be successful. In this power point, we will view a variety of colleges from private, to in state, to out of state, and finally to international colleges. We will also view the costs for each college.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY Stanford is a private coed college located in Stanford, California. Stanford provides numerous benefits for students at the university with their variety of majors and programs.
STANFORD’S TUITION AND COSTS In-State and Out-Of-State Cost: - tuition: $41,250 -room and board: $12,721 - fees: $975 - books: $1,500 Total cost: $56,446
UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DENVER (UCD) UCD is a public coed college located in Denver, Colorado. UCD is known for its diversity and in my opinion is a very important aspect of a college because not only do students receive knowledge from class but also from the people around them.
UCD’S TUITION AND COSTS In-State Cost: - tuition: $6,384 - room and board: $10,410 - fees: $1,110 - books: $1,832 Total cost: $19,736 Out-Of-State Cost: - tuition: $19,896 - room and board: $10,401 - fees: $1,110 - books: $1,832 Total cost: $33,248
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY-EAST BAY California State University-East Bay is one of the three public, coed California State University located in San Francisco.
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY-EAST BAY TUITION AND COSTS In-State Costs: - tuition: $5,472 - room and board: $11,321 - fees: $837 - books: $1,665 Total cost: $19,295 Out-Of-State Costs: - tuition: $17,130 - room and board: $11,321 - fees: $837 - books: $1,665 Total cost: $30,953
CENTRALIA COLLEGE Centralia College is a public, coed community college located in Washington. Centralia provides three things that people who are looking for an education, which are diversity, affordability, and convenience.
CENTRALIA’S TUITION AND COSTS In-State Costs: - tuition: $3,523 - room and board: $4,200 - fees: $199 - books: $1,002 Total cost: $8,924 Out-Of-State Costs: - tuition: $3,917 - room and board: $4,200 - fees: $199 - books: $1,002 Total cost: $9,318
TABLE OF COSTS Seeing the information and costs for each four colleges already, we can now compare and contrast the tuition and costs for all four colleges. Name of CollegeIn-State Tuition and Cost Total Out-Of-State Tuition and Cost Total Stanford University$56,446 University of Colorado Denver $19,736$33,248 California State University- East Bay $19,295$30,953 Centralia College$8,924$9,318
MY CHOICE OF COLLEGE Based on the information for tuition and costs for all four colleges, I choose University of Colorado Denver for my college of choice. It might not be the college that I will go to in the future but I think UCD is a good choice for me because of the convenience and cost.