Planning and Budget Committee April 13, 2016
Agenda How are we doing? How are we doing? – 2nd Qtr Results How much is tuition going up? How much is tuition going up? – A look at historical tuition and fees How does fall enrollment look? How does fall enrollment look? – Admissions data What will we do with the new revenue? What will we do with the new revenue? – University needs Have we hired the appropriate number of employees to meet our needs? Have we hired the appropriate number of employees to meet our needs? – Historical employment study
2nd Quarter Results
2nd Quarter Results Comparison from FY 15 to FY16
– Self-Supporting
Approved Increases in Tuition and Fees for FY 17 2% increase in undergraduate tuition 4% increase in graduate tuition $2/CH increase in Technology Fee $2/semester increase in University Affiliation Fee $30 increase in Undergraduate Graduation fee $25 increase in Graduate Graduation Fee Implementation of a $25/semester Health Fee
Undergraduate Tuition and Fee Charges
Graduate Tuition and Fee Charges
Required Fees - FY 16
Enrollment Projections Fall 2016
Revenue Projections with increased Enrollment
Projection of Students by College
University Needs Additional Faculty Positions and Promotions – Disability Kinesiologist – Accounting – Hydrologist Deferred Maintenance and Facilities IT Infrastructure Upgrades Department of Labor Changes
Historical Employment Comparisons FY 2010 to FY 2016
Location of the “Staff” positions
Functional Areas for the “Admin” positions
Historical Employment Data Faculty Comparison FY 10 vs FY 16
Historical Employment Data Staff Comparison FY 10 vs FY 16