Blurring the Classroom Borders: The Flipped Classroom Karen Verkler and Catherine Mora
Workshop Objectives 1. Workshop participants will identify the steps involved in flipping a topic. 2. Workshop participants will complete the first three steps of flipping a topic, which are: Looking over your lesson and determining the content and goal(s). Determining the activities (both inside and outside of class) necessary for students to attain the goal(s). Looking over the activities you listed for #2 and determining which activities can be done outside of class and which can be done inside of class.
Introduction to the Flipped Classroom Outside of Class: Preparing for Today’s Class Pretend that you are highly motivated students who are going to fully participate in the flipped classroom format. You are currently out of class, perhaps in study hall, in a coffee shop, in the media center, or at home, getting ready to do your flipped class homework. You turn on your laptop or some other mobile device and access the course wiki.course wiki
Introduction to the Flipped Classroom In Class Today Checking for Understanding Activity: Kahoot abb3-36f5df67d4d abb3-36f5df67d4d2
Let’s Review What We Just Did
Logistics of Flipping – How Do I Flip? ① Look over your unit/lesson and determine the content and goal(s). ② Determine the activities (both inside and outside of class) necessary for students to attain the goal(s). ③ Look over the activities you listed for #2 and determine which activities can be done outside of class and which can be done inside of class. ④ Find the necessary resources (your notes, websites, videos, books, etc.) for your activities and content.
Logistics of Flipping – How Do I Flip? ⑤ Decide how you want to set up your website for flipping. ⑥ Place the content and activities into the format of your website.
How to Start….Select a topic/concept that you teach or might teach some day.
Let’s Practice….. If possible, it would be helpful if you worked with others of the same content area. Either individually, in pairs, or in groups of 3-4, do the following: On the matrix sheet, write a concept that you might teach. On the matrix sheet, write a goal for the lesson in which you will be teaching this concept. Determine activities that will help the students attain the goal. Decide which activities can be done inside of class and which can be done outside of class.
How to Start….Select a topic/concept that you teach or might teach some day.
Different types of activities (The list is not all inclusive.)
Let’s Share….
Exit Slip On a sheet of notebook paper, write one takeaway that you got from this workshop. You don’t need to write your name on the sheet of paper. Please leave the sheet on the table before you leave.
Why Flip? Student Feedback (EDG 4410 students) I think it is very interactive and helps me grasp the material much more easily and much more efficiently than I would with normal lecturing. I really like the format. I think it helps with really understanding the concepts. I like that we are expected to have an understanding of the material from the homework on the course wiki before we come to class. Expectations are high for self-preparedness. I like how the Power Points are online. I am able to print them off and take notes in the margin during class. I love when there are videos on the class page! It helps me learn so much better.
Why Flip? Student Feedback (EDG 4410 students) It covers a great deal of current info/procedures regarding education in the real world in a very friendly format. I like that the class is so “hands-on.” The practicality of each lesson helps me learn the material better. It feels like class tie is better utilized with the flipped plan. Every minute of instruction time is valuable. I love the ability to work at my own pace. I’m learning a lot in a very efficient manner. The classroom is very interactive when reviewing content.
Why Flip? Student Feedback (EDG 4410 students)