What is LINUX??? Linux is an operating system. It was initially created as a hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland.
● What is Fedora? ● Who is Fedora? ● Why does Fedora matter? ● How do you join the open source movement?
What is fedora?
...A powerful operating system... ● Stable (most stable than any LINUX) ● secure ● Innovative ● Second most popular LINUX
...a set of projects...
Ambassadors Artwork Directory Server Distribution Documentation Printing Translation Websites Fedora for Women
● Translation ● Artwork ● Documentation ● Ambassadors ● Infrastructure ● website ● Bug triage ● Marketing
● Content Writer ● Designer ● People Person ● OS Developer ● Translator ● Web Developer or Administrator
Content writer ● write tutorials and articles ● write documents, guides, how-tos, FAQs, marketing material, process/methodology docs, release notes. ● write documentation about usability. ● Skills: Writing, editing, grammar,technical knowledge (specific and general)
Designer.. ● design projects including: Fedora Logo, PromoBanners, Widgets, Icon Theme, MediaArt, Posters, T-Shirt Design ● Skills:GIMP(quite similar to photoshop),design
Os Developer.. ● Create new applications ● Become a package maintainer to create and maintain RPM packages for software in Fedora. ● test/break Fedora. ● Skill : Programming(c/c++,java), RPM/Packaging, Bugfiling
People Person.. ● Spread the word of fedora ● Think of creative ways for promoting Fedora ● Develop marketing strategies to promote the usage and support of Fedora worldwide. ● Provide Feedback to Developers about bugs. ● Skill : People skills, event organization, customer service/support, enthusiasm
Translator... ● Translate documents, guides, how-tos, FAQs, marketing material, process/methodology docs. ● Translate the software to your native language. ● Skill : English, Non-English native language, technical knowledge
Web Developer or Administrator... ● Improve Fedora's image and to create the best possible web interface for users and contributors on the Internet. ● Skill : Python, HTML/XML/XHTML, CSS, Web app development, Linux system administration
How to join
● It is as easy as getting account in any social networking site. ● Talk to
[ Who use fedora? ]
● Linus Torvalds, the creator and primary maintainer of Linux ● NASA systems ● Roadrunner, the number one Supercomputer in the world ● Evo Smart Console gaming console ● Over a hundred Derived distributions including Red Hat Enterprise Linux ● humanoid robots ● Millions of other users
August ADIOS Linux Boot CD 2. AnNyung Linux 3. ASPLinux 4. AsteriskNOW 5. Bee Linux 6. Berry Linux 7. Boston University Linux 8. CentOS 9. ClarkConnect 10. Ekaaty Linux 11. Elastix Some Derived distributions:- 12. elpicx 13. EnGarde Secure Linux 14. Everest Linux 15.Linux XP 16.Red Hat Enterprise Linux 17.Vixta And more than 100s...
Robot using fedora Tremulous Game Alien Arena
August 2006
August 2006
Features of Fedora and What's new in Fedora 11?
Quick fact ● New release every six months ● Free and open source applications only ● Free and open source Infrastructure ● Maintained by volunteers largely (~70%) ● Nearly installable software packages ● Rapid progress of free and open source softwaare
What's New in Fedora 11? ● 20 second boot time ● Nouveau as the default driver for Nvidia cards ● Ext4 as default filesystem. ● Presto Yum Plugin for Delta RPM's ● GDM and GNOME finger print integration ● Windows Cross Compiler (MinGW + cross compiled packages) ● Security enhancements
We can't wait to impress you, The team Anurag Jain Dwarakanath Jagadeesan Pankaj Kumar Sanjeev Gopinath