Non-governmental, non-political, non-profit institution established in 1991 The major off-budget funding source in Poland (endowment and EU funds) Supporting science and innovation in Poland (spreading excellence) FOUNDATION FOR POLISH SCIENCE
Peer-review approach (merit based, excellence only) HR Excellence in Research 2014: San Francisco declaration (originality not metrics) National / International scientific prizes FOUNDATION FOR POLISH SCIENCE
January 2013: white paper “Teaming for Excellence: Building High- Quality Research Across Europe Through Partnership” Creation of centers of excellence in member states that are lagging behind in research, set up as joint ventures with excellent partners from other member states Signed by research organizations: CNRS, CSIC, CNR, Institute Pasteur, Max Planck Society etc. December 2013: Horizon 2020 work program “Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation 2014–2015” Closing the innovation gap Plans for creation of new (or upgrading of existing) centres of excellence in low- performing member states TEAMING FOR EXCELLENCE
The share of highly cited publications in all publications where at least one of the authors has an affiliation in a given country; Number of top scientific universities and public research organizations in a country divided by million population; Patent applications per million population; Total value of ERC grants received divided by public R&D performed by the higher education and government sectors; CIRE: Composite Indicator of Research Excellence
CWTS : share of highly cited papers (2002 – 2012)
Creation of the R&D environment for the highest level of the Composite Indicator of Research Excellence The best practices in: –identification of research programmes and topics –HR policy –R&D management –commercialisation of R&D results Strategic partnership embracing the idea of „Excellence breeds excellence” Synergies of ToE and IRA schemes
Leader – competition for the first director – scientist outstanding in terms of scientific achievements and experience in transferring research and management Research agenda – well defined problem + novel and innovative solution: –the centre focuses on a particular idea: scientific problem / global challenge –agenda designed to tackle the challenge with a clear competitive advantage –VISION & MISSION of the new center to be evaluated Bottom up approach – creation of an efficient organizational structure – autonomous, free from preexisting conditions – with a strong commitment among all relevant parties Characteristic of an IRA center
Excellent partner institution from abroad – excellence breeds excellence: contributes to the reserach agenda, while supporting transfer of knowledge in R&D managment nominates members of the International Scientific Committee gains access to human potential and new funding apportunities Local partnership – an essential ingredient to a successful establishment of a new IRA centre: –supplier of apparatus and infrastructure as well as access to students and/or domestic academic cooperation –coperation with industry players – expected lonf-term impact on the economic landscape of the country (i.e. Smart Specialization) Characteristic of an ideal IRA center
Over 126 mln EUR in EU Structural Funds – Measure 4.3 of the Smarth Growth Operational Programme Funding for ca. 10 new IRA centers utill 2023 Results of the 2015 competition announced: International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter (MagTop) led by Tomasz Dietl & Tomasz Wojtowicz 2016 competition to be announced soon, while 3rd call for application to be launched by mid-2017 IRA programme „at glance”
The application submitted by a prominent SCIENTIST (or by up to two scientists) Three step application process, followed by a multistep merit- based evaluation (peer-review and panel of experts, including interview) Agreement between FNP and the new IRA center: –Periodic merit and financial reports to the FNP –Mid-term evaluations (post 12 and 36 months) –Positive evaluation may allow for increase of the funding and extension of the project IRA’s competition principles
Excellence of the applicant Relevant international partnership Appropriate legal form and management standards International impact and ground breaking research Field of research listed in the current version of the National Smart Specialisation Merit-based criteria
Warsaw Information Day – 8th September 2016: –detailed description of the putative IRA center –the application process and evaluation criteria –launch and implementation of the new center Spain Information Days: –Barcelona – 19th September 2016 –Madrid – 21st September 2016 Ireland Information Day – 28th September 2016 UK, Scotland and more to be announced in due date IRA Information Days
I. Krasickiego 20/22, Warsaw, Poland phone: , fax: Kinga Słomińska Head of the IRA Section Maria Pawłowska, PhD - Programme Officer Judyta Węgrzyn, PhD - Programme Assistant