Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics Faculty Meeting June 10, 2016 Susan Stark Manager, COM SRAS Mary Gay Whitmer Pre-Award Manager, COM SRAS
Supporting Graduate Students on Grants Fellowship Assignment Graduate Research Assistant Visiting Scholar
FELLOWSHIP ASSIGNMENT No service provided to the mentor/University The individual receives the primary benefit from their work. Hours and/or leave is not tracked Does not receive salary Receives stipend or living allowance Stipend cannot be charged to mentor’s research grants Appointment letter terms correspond to the requirements listed here Expectations of the mentor can be clearly noted and monitored Status: Graduate Student - Not an employee If grant funded, stipend supplementation and/or additional assignment may require sponsor approval; contact SRAS. Requires J-1 for international students Example: Trainee on a NIH T32 training grant, Individual F31
Stipend A payment made to an individual under a fellowship or training grant in accordance with pre-established levels to provide for the individual's living expenses during the period of training. A stipend is not considered compensation for the services expected of an employee Stipends Trainees generally are supported for 12-month full-time training appointments for which they receive a stipend as a subsistence allowance to help defray living expenses during the research training experience. The stipend is not “salary” and is not provided as a condition of employment with either the Federal government or the recipient organization. Stipends must be paid in accordance with established stipend levels. From the NIH website/policy/guidance:
Graduate Research Assistant Employee of the University Compensated for service provided Effort can be charged to mentor’s research projects for services provided Exempt bi-weekly The mentor/University receives the primary benefit from their work. Status: Graduate Student & Temporary Staff J-1 for International Students
7.3 DIRECT COSTS AND FACILITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS A direct cost is any cost that can be specifically identified with a particular project, program, or activity or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily and with a high degree of accuracy. Direct costs include, but are not limited to, salaries, travel, equipment, and supplies directly benefiting the grant-supported project or activity. From the NIH website/policy/guidance:
Salaries and Wages / Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses Salary and wage amounts charged to grant-supported projects for personal services must be based on an adequate payroll distribution system that documents such distribution in accordance with Federal Cost Principles and consistently applied institutional policy and practices. Stipends Allowable as cost-of-living allowances for trainees and fellows only under Kirschstein-NRSA individual fellowships and institutional research training grants. These payments are made according to a pre-established schedule based on the individual’s experience and level of training. A stipend is not a fee-for-service payment and is not subject to the cost accounting requirements of the cost principles. Additional information, including NIH policy on stipend supplementation, is included in Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards—Individual Fellowships—Supplementation of Stipends, Compensation, and Other Income— Stipend Supplementation and Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards— Institutional Research Training Grants—Stipend Supplementation, Compensation, and Other Income—Stipend Supplementation in IIB. Stipends are not allowable under research grants even when they appear to benefit the research project. NIH -- Cont.
Universal RA/GA Tuition Scholarships Research assistants and graduate assistants receive the same tuition scholarship benefits as teaching assistants. As part of this policy, all principal investigators who include research or graduate assistants on a grant or contract are required to include a separate budget line for tuition in any new proposal submission; the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) has been assisting PIs in meeting this requirement. For RAs and GAs who are not funded from grants and contracts, departmental funds may be used to provide the Universal Tuition Scholarships. Grant Budget Implications – tuition exempt from F&A
Travel for Students Is the student travel related to the staff position? Does the student have a staff position (Graduate Research Assistant)? If YES, travel can be processed in the same manner as other employees. Regular Procard use for airfare, hotel, and registration. Meals and miscellaneous expenses on the travel reimbursement form is acceptable. If NO, use of the regular Procard isn’t allowed. Travel must be processed via the Student Procard (SPPC) and PRD along with a Payment on Behalf of Student Form (PBS) or Student Payment Voucher You cannot use the regular Procard. Travel must be processed via the Student Procard (SPPC) and PRD along with a Payment on Behalf of Student Form (PBS) or Student Payment Voucher Student Travel. UK’s Business Procedure Manual: