7 th, and 8 th Grade Chorus Class Structure/Behavior Rules
Daily Participation Each day you get a grade for daily participation If you receive a dot this means you did not receive credit for daily participation according to the 5 Cues Here are the five cues in order that you are graded on: 1) Pay attention, without comment 2) Stay in your bubble 3) Participate to the BEST of YOUR ability 4) Raise your hand for any and all appropriate questions 5) All legs on the floor (chair and self), safety on platforms
These 5 points are called….. The Maestro’s Cues
Consequences 1 st WarningI need you to stop the action you are doing, dot, could be a lunch detention depending on the offence and frequency, stay after class 2 nd WarningLunch Detention, Dot (2 total), call home and possible referral 3 rd WarningLeave classroom, referral, dot (3 total) If you receive 3 warnings in a weekFull Week Lunch Detention If you receive 5 warnings in a weekFull Month Lunch Detention
Dots Mr. Sakell records poor participation using a dot on his attendance. You receive a dot for any warning or 2 dots instantly for behaviors that are unacceptable in any classroom such as: Fighting Spitting Pushing Cursing Inappropriate comments- to Mr. Sakell’s discretion
Remember… If you have received two warnings and cannot be a member of the team you are asked to leave, you will be sent to do an alternate assignment for which you will be graded in the main office. You will receive a referral. You will be required to write a paper on appropriate classroom behavior and serve lunch detention until the paper is turned in.
Weekly Participation-50% of grade Each day you receive a daily participation grade depending on your performance each day. Each week you get a collective grade based on these scores. Your weekly grade is as follows and is what shows up on your report card No Dots100% A+ 1 Dot90% A- 2 Dots80% B- 3 Dots70% C-, 4 or more dots60% or less
What grade did they get? Mike Ben Jessica Kevin Elizabeth Lisa MondayTuesWednesdayThursFri
Bathroom/water Bring a water bottle to class, nobody will be allowed out for water, no exceptions We will take a 6 minute break after 35 minutes of class to go to the bathrooms. This 6 minute break is a privilege that can be taken away
Water/Fountain/Bottles Mr. Sakell strongly encourages you bring a water bottle If you need to use the fountain before class is the time to do it. If you are at the fountain at the start of class you are late to class, please take care of your business before we start
Cell Phones Cell phones cannot be out at any time, period. If you are seen with a cell phone it will be taken, documented, and you will need to go to the attendance office to take care of it. These rules apply anytime you are within the walls of DSMS and especially for any concerts at DSMS.
When you first enter expect: To grab your binder To grab any handouts on the stand Attendance to be taken, quickly An agenda to be on the board To get started quickly
The Board It is important, 6 th Grade Color: Green, 7 th Grade Color: Red, 8 th Grade Color: Blue The board has the daily plan and what our goal for the class is The calendar on the board is for birthdays
The last 3 minutes I will tell you when we are finished with class, always The last 3 minutes are always reserved for you to safely put your folder back
Missing something? Check the crates on top of the cabinets for extra forms and extra music, there will likely be more there
Folders, Pencils, Highlighters You are required to either sign out a binder from the choral library or bring your own 1” or less black binder. You are required to bring a pencil and highlighter to class everyday. If you do not have a pencil you will receive lunch detention. I will check everyday during attendance.
Appropriate Questions?