PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaUSA Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA Philadelphia Pennsylvania one of the biggest the sixth most populous Philadelphia is located in the north east of the USA, in Pennsylvania. It is one of the biggest cities of the USA. It is the sixth most populous American city. It is situated between New-York City and Washington DC.
Philadelphia New-York Washington DC
6 million metropolitan area The population of Philadelphia is about 6 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area. There are about 45% White Americans, 43% African Americans, 5.5% Asian Americans, 0.3% Native Americans and 6.2% others.
1682 William Penn « The City of Brotherly Love » Philadelphia was founded in 1682 by an English man: William Penn. He named it Philadelphia which is the Greek for « brotherly love ». This city is nicknamed: « The City of Brotherly Love ». 13 th Colonies capital It was the most populous city of the 13 th Colonies, and later it became the capital of the USA before it was replaced by Washington DC. William Penn
humidsubtropical hot and muggy winters cold Philadelphia falls in the northern periphery of the humid subtropical climate zone. Summers are typically hot and muggy, autumns and springs are generally mild, and winters cold. Philadelphia
The Independence Hall Declaration of Independencesigned Philadelphia is home to many national historical sites and the Independence National Historical Park. The Independence Hall is where the Declaration of Independence was signed. The American EagleIndependence Hall
symbols Indepedence War Declaration of Independence There is the Liberty Bell. It is one of the most prominent symbols of the Indepedence War. It would have rung, according to the legend, just after the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. Liberty Bell
Philadelphia 76ers Philadelphia Eagles This city has got a baseball team: Philadelphia Phillies, a basketball team: Philadelphia 76ers, an American football team: Philadelphia Eagles. They won several prices.
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts largest museums founded in 1805 If you go to Philadelphia, you can visit The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. This museum which is one of the largest museums in the USA and the Art school were founded in The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts