The difference between an average referee and a good referee is the combination of many things. Many would argue that the ability to handle players is the major factor in determining the quality of the referee
Management Techniques There are two factors to be considered. The things you do The way you do the things you do
The things you do! Fitness….. closeness, Decisions… correct Sanctions
The way you do the things you do! Attitude/ Personality Body language Communication skills... ……...voice,hands,
ATTITUDE Positive at all times Professional Confident not Arrogant Approachable Non threatening Humorous
COMMUNICATION The key to player management is good communication.( the same principles apply to both administrators and spectators) Tools to make the job easy….. Whistle Voice Body language.
WHISTLE Great for stopping play Used more as referees learn their craft. Not personal Need to learn to give whistle a personality
VOICE- when you want things done Personal Effective Answer the question It can convey the seriousness of the situation quickly Over talking can lead to problems
BODY LANGUAGE-image The way you look speaks louder than what you say Can convey authority or weakness Control factor Use all body parts
DISSENT Factors to be considered………... Dissent is manipulative - players want to get the next decision.Remember they are playing for their place in the side 3 types..frustration,manipulative,dysfunction No one can referee on consensus
DISSENT-Action Never let dissent go Deal with it appropriately Do not attempt to “justify” decisions ( this is different to a simple explanation) The key is gaining acceptance of the players not about being liked or even getting it right