PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN PRISONS Recent Experience from Portugal Henrique Barros Ministério da Saúde
Antiretroviral Therapy: direct costs (Portugal)
AIDS Deaths Portugal, HIV/AIDS Deaths Portugal
AIDS – total number of cases by year of diagnosis
AIDS cases, by mode of transmission and year of diagnosis
Voluntary Counseling and Testing Centers Time trends in number of tests and % reactive Rapid tests
Drug use behaviourOR (95% CI)* Visit to DTC First Follow-up 0.18 ( ) 1 Life use of injected drugs No Yes ( ) Injection period (years) < ≥ ( ) 0.75 ( ) 1 Previous month behaviourOR (95% CI)* Sharing of injection material No Yes ( ) Consistent condom use No Yes 0.23 ( ) 1 * adjusted for gender, age, education, country of birth, first/follow-up visit and life drug injection Clients’ characteristics and awareness of serological status
TotalID UsersNon- ID Users Type of visit N Number of HIV infections (%)* N Number of HIV infections (%)* N First (5,8) (13,0) (1,3) Follow-up (9,5) (13,8) (2,3) * Comprise cases previously diagnosed + cases detected during the PICT Prevalence of HIV infection among Drug Users
Injecting drug use reported (column %) No. HIV positive (row%) Injecting drug use not reported (column %) No. HIV positive (row %) Prison Yes491 (36)91 (19)362 (16)10 (2.8) No775 (56)92 (12)1507 (68)17 (1.1) Missing112 (8.1)7 (6.3)352 (16)6 (1.7) No. years injectingn/a <1156 (11)17 (11)__ (16)16 (7.1)__ (12)13 (8.2)__ (9.7)19 (14)__ (8.9)16 (13)__ (9.1)24 (19)__ >=15313 (23)69 (22)__ Missing143 (10)16 (11)__
Survey of two Portuguese Prisons
Programs for Injection Drug Users: Needle and syringe exchange Substitution therapy Medically assisted injection facilities HIV and Drug Users
HIV and Drug Users Syringe Exchange Kit
HIV and Drug Users – Portuguese Programme
HIV and Drug Users (Rapid tests)
Injection drug use (IDU) accounts for approximately half of the cases of HIV/AIDS infection reported in Portugal from 1983 until June However, its proportion decreased from 58% in the mid-nineties to less then 20% at present. The actual crude number also decreased from a maximum of 1483 in 1999 to less then 160 in SEP, as part of a set of harm reduction measures, played an important role in those trends. The Portuguese SEP began as a partnership established in 1993, between the Ministry of Health and the National Association of Pharmacies with the collaboration of wholesalers and local municipalities. Kits containing sterile syringes and needles, disinfectant towels, condoms, filter, water, recipients and citric acid are distributed to IDU, following a dispensation policy one-free-for-one exchange. The initial kit integrated one sterile syringe, one disinfectant towel, one condom and an information leaflet. In 1999, distilled water and a filter were included, and in 2007 recipient and citric acid were added.
The Portuguese SEP began as a partnership between the Ministry of Health and the National Association of Pharmacies with the collaboration of wholesalers and local municipalities. The program favored a one-free-for-one exchange policy. In 2007 a pilot SEP was launched in two prisons. As of 2007, there were 1314 (out of 2790) community pharmacies and 37 NGOs (which joined the SEP since 1998) involved in the provision of this service. The participation of pharmacies is voluntary and the service is not paid. A few community pharmacies also contribute to blood-borne disease prevention among IDU by dispensing opiate substitutes (e.g. methadone) and all may sell syringes without a prescription.
n Syringe Exchange Programme
Portuguese S&N Exchange Programme Pharmaceutical Storage DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTION Community Pharmacies NGO’s
Portuguese S&N Exchange Programme
Year Syringes distributed (n) Syringes collected (n) Pharmacies involved in SEP (n) NGO and GO involved in SEP (n) Total cost ‡ of SEP (€) PharmaciesNGO/GOMobile Units 1993 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‡ - The costs of SEP have been supported by the Ministry of Health, except in 1993 – which were undertaken by the National Pharmacies Association. This comprised the value of the injection material distributed, the functioning of the mobile units and the operational management, by means of the payment of the programme staffing by the National Pharmacies. They do not include the operational costs related to the NGO or GO involved in SEP. NA – Data not available
Legislation Information, education, communication Learning about harm reduction Prevention (similar to the out-side world) Monitoring and evaluation Infectious Diseases in Prisons - Strategy
Prisons 2005 Inmate distribution according to types of drugs consumed (25 Prisons : 79% of prison’s population ( inmates) 4073 active consumers
2007 Portuguese National Action Plan for Fighting the Transmission of Infectious Diseases in Prisons A Pilot SEP was launched in two prisons. (December 2007 – December 2008) Prisons Survey 3 months after launching the programme
“SERYNGE EXCHANGE PROGRAMME IN PRISONS ” T0 n (%)T3 n (%) Total305 (100,0)300 (100,0) Had drugs more then a month ago73 (23,9)--- Had drugs during the previous month93 (30,5)101 (33,7) Injected drugs during the previous month20 (6,6)14 (4,7) Injecting material during the previous month Syringe “ home-made ” syringe Other material 6 (2,0) 7 (2,3) 1 (0,3) --- Shared injecting parafernalia No Yes Does not know No response 39 (12,8) 12 (3,9) (83,3) 114 (38,0) 12 (4,0) 19 (6,3) 155 (51,0)
“Programa Experimental de Troca de Seringas em Prisões ” T0 n (%)T3 n (%) Total305 (100,0)300 (100,0) Injection material shared Syringe Needle cup cotton filter Lemon 13 (4,3) 9 (3,0) 20 (6,6) 6 (2,0) (3,3) 9 (3,0) 8 (2,7) 6 (2,0) Condom use (last time) No Yes NA 131 (43,0) 105 (34,4) 69 (22,6) 124 (41,3) 92 (30,7) 84 (28,0) Ever had a tattoo in prison No Yes NA 119 (39,0) 143 (46,9) 43 (14,1) 108 (36,0) 139 (46,3) 53 (17,7) Shared tattoo material No Yes Does not know NA 125 (41,0) 21 (6,9) 20 (6,6) 139 (45,6) 139 (46,3) 17 (5,7) 22 (7,3) 122 (40,7) “SERYNGE EXCHANGE PROGRAMME IN PRISONS ”
LisboaPaços de Ferreira n (%) Total 201 (100,0)298 (100,0) Ever injected drugs in prison (last year) No Yes Do not want to answer Missing 135 (67,2) 14 (7,0) 3 (1,5) 48 (24,4) 237 (79,5) 17 (5,7) 7 (2,4) 37 (12,4) Shared injection material? No Yes Do not want to answer Missing 123 (61,2) 11 (5,5) 56 (27,9) 200 (67,1) 21 (7,0) 9 (3,0) 68 (22,8) DRUG USE BY INMATES DURING PILOTE PERIOD
“The AIDS epidemic is not only about revealing injustice, but also about overcoming injustice.” Peter Piot, February 2007