2 A comprehensive line of reagents that matches your needs HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess Antibody screening and quantification Tagged-protein detection Cisbio Services to get your specific Bioprocess assay developed Toolbox reagents to build up your screening assay
4 Quantify your antibody sample with ready-to-use kits Features: Compatible with a variety of biological materials A single 2-hour, room temperature incubation Detection limit: 5 ng/ml, working range up to 4,000 ng/ml Specificity: Human subclasses IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess The human Fc kit
5 Quantify your antibody sample with ready-to-use kits Features: Selective for human κ and λ IgG light chains Detection of human IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 No cross-reactivity with mouse IgG or human IgM Detection limit at 0.4 ng/mL and working range up to 200 ng/mL HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess Human κ and λ kits
6 Check for tag accessibility For detecting and measuring all GST and 6HIS tagged proteins during production processes Immuno-competition formats based on specific 6HIS or GST antibodies One single-step incubation HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess GST and 6HIS check kits
7 CHO Host Cell Protein detection assay (CHO HCP) HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess This assay is designed for the quantitative determination of CHO HCP. CHO HCP is measured in a sandwich assay format using 2 specific antibodies, one labelled with Cryptate (donor) and the second with d2 (acceptor). The intensity of the signal obtained is proportional to the number of antigen-antibody complexes formed and therefore the fluorescence is proportional to the concentration of the antigen. Anti-CHO HCP Cryptate conjugate Anti-CHO HCP d2 conjugate CHO HCP
9 Pick & choose your toolbox reagents to build up your Bioprocess assay HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess Anti-Immunoglobulin Reagents EuropiumXL665 Anti-human Ig (&d2) Anti-mouse Ig (&d2) Anti-rabbit Ig Protein A Affinity Reagents EuropiumXL665 Streptavidin (&Tb) (&d2) SA-Xlent! Anti-Tag Reagents EuropiumTerbium XL665 d2Anti- GST (GSS11) Anti-6HIS (HIS-1) Anti-c-myc (9E10) Anti-FLAG (M2) Anti-HA (HAS01) Anti MBP Anti-DNP Labeling kits Europium Lumi4®-Terbium d2 Anti RAGE - Cryptate Biot-hRAGE SA-XL665
10 Case study: assay set up to measure RAGE / humanized anti-RAGE interaction Label the anti-RAGE antibody using the cryptate labeling kit Combine with SA-XL665 toolbox reagent HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess Features: Antibody labeling process completed within 1 hour Immuno-competition format for scFv affinity maturation Great assay development flexibility Anti RAGE - Cryptate Biot-hRAGE SA-XL665 Finlay WJ. &t all. Affinity maturation of a Humanized rat antibody for anti-RAGE Therapy: comprehensive mutagenesis reveals a high level of mutational plasticity both inside and outside the complementary-determining regions. J.Mol. Biol ,
12 Looking for other assays? Transform your ELISAs into a truly homogeneous high throughput method: let us do it for you! HTRF® solutions for bioprocess A team of over 20 highly experienced scientists that supports and customizes your assays A multidisciplinary approach that covers all optimization steps along the assay development process Fast turn-around time and cost- efficient solutions
13 Best pair / full AD: select your preferred option Best pair package Start your assay development with the optimal reagents Full assay development package Customized reagents and assay optimization to meet your specific needs HTRF® solutions for bioprocess Best pair Full assay development Assay feasibility study In collaboration with your scientific consultant Assay development - Reagent labeling - Best pair choice - Full optimization Technological transfer With scientific consultant 4 Follow-up on site
14 We monitor the assay development process in collaboration with you HTRF® solutions for bioprocess Confidentiality agreement Paper study Reagent sourcing selection & labeling Go / No Go Assay optimization Assay transfer and/or implementation Batch reagent supplies Assay feasibility study Assay report
15 HTRF ® solutions for bioprocess Abandon tedious assay protocols for mix & measure assays: Dispense Incubate Read All in one well No-wash Broad range of conjugated bioprobes for an unlimited range of assay possibilities Flexibility Have your specific assay developed to your specifications by Cisbio Services Get your assay developed!
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