Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in.


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Presentation transcript:

Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. UN Declaration of Human Rights Article 27

Helping people to live longer and more healthy lives by reducing preventable deaths and the burden of ill health associated with smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, poor diet, poor mental health, insufficient exercise, and alcohol (Public Health England)

Reducing the burden of disease and disability in life by focusing on preventing and recovering from the conditions with the greatest impact, including dementia, anxiety, depression and drug dependency

Health-related QOL for people with long term conditions Reducing emergency admissions Costs of care Technological solutions/interventions to improve care

Managing long term conditions


Improving health and wellbeing into older age

“So it’s important that everyone can experience and take part in arts and cultural activities, whatever their social or economic background”.

Dementia – focus is on living well with dementia, recognition that community support – including arts and culture agencies – have a role to play in this Loneliness – becoming quite a driver, recognition that loneliness and isolation are big factors in morbidity and mortality ref. Campaign to end loneliness Improving recruitment and retention into care careers Keeping people out of hospital and residential care Personalised care and budgets – how do we ensure that arts and culture are on the menu for people?

What are the opportunities to improve connectivity between these policy areas? How can we influence policy in these areas – or should we focus on practice and research?

Where is policy in your country around health, older people and arts and culture aligned? Where are the gaps in connectivity? What are the similarities and differences between countries?

How could international cooperation be helpful to the field of policy in bringing the subject of cultural participation by older people to the next level?