Welcome to Class!! Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Bellwork!! Make a drawing of what you think an atom looks like. Make sure to label all it’s parts. Then write a sentence describing what an atom is. Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Well? What did you draw? Atom- the smallest part of an element that still retains the properties of that element. Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Map it out! Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Announcements!! Pop Tabs Notebook Check 3 Twiz Unit Test Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
How small are atoms? Take a piece of aluminum foil and cut it in half. Then take that half and cut it again and again keeping count of the number of cuts you made. Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Does the smallest piece you cut still have the same properties as the big piece of aluminum? Using your imagination of cutting and cutting, you will eventually get to one atom of aluminum. Its hard to believe, but in the smallest piece you can cut there are still trillions and trillions of atoms in that tiny piece alone. Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
27 grams of aluminum = 60,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms Nobody has counted them but scientists are certain that this number is close to accurate. Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Ancient what? Aristotle and empty space Democritus’ belief Atoms from the Greek word atomos, meaning indivisible Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Question?! If you could observe a single atom of carbon and a single atom of helium how do you think they would differ? What would they have in common? Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Anwser! The atoms would have the same parts (somewhat) They would both have protons, neutrons, and electrons!!
Helium Electron - negatively charged subatomic particle located outside the nucleus Proton - Positively charged subatomic particle located inside the nucleus Neutron - subatomic particle with no charge located in the nucleus
Carbon Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
So how are these two atoms different? Atomic Number- Atomic Mass- Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Challenge!! Neon is a noble gas element with an atomic number of 10 and an atomic mass of 20. How many electrons, protons, and neutrons does it have? Draw it out!
Family of the day!! Transition metals-- very hard metals with high melting and boiling points—they are electrically conductive and malleable (can be given form from pressure). Objective: Students will be able to describe simple atomic structure.
Welcome to Class!! Objective: Given the number of protons, students will be able to identify the element
BellWork!! Make a list of the following elements and tell how many protons are in their nucleus. – Titanium – Tin – Silicon – Uranium – Krypton – Americonium Objective: Given the number of protons, students will be able to identify the element
Announcements!! Pop tabs Benchmark on Wed. Twiz Objective: Given the number of protons, students will be able to identify the element
About the Twiz…. Work in groups and look over your anwsers to the twiz. (15 min) We will grade them in class Objective: Given the number of protons, students will be able to identify the element
Atomic Structure What are the three main parts that make up an atom? Where are these parts found? Objective: Given the number of protons, students will be able to identify the element
Atomic number- Atomic Mass- Objective: Given the number of protons, students will be able to identify the element
Lets test your knowledge! Make this data table in your notebook! Objective: Given the number of protons, students will be able to identify the element