Aftab Ahmad President NAYS
Survey Online Google Doc was prepared NAYS mailing list NAYS facebook group Personal links
Participants of survey
Gender Mostly male researchers filled the survey 49 61
Young scientist participated in survey belongs to Public/ Government universities/institute in majority.
Does your Institute offer research grants on competitive basis……? Young scientist from Pakistan agrees that their institute provide research grant on competitive basis.
Accommodative behavior of senior scientists towards junior ones is satisfactory.
Some factors are predicted that are severely affecting young researchers.
Students/scientist in Pakistan feel comfortable in collaborative work experiences.
How often scientist in Pakistan feel uncomfortable while working with other scientists? Scientist in Pakistan are generous to each other. They are comfortable working with other scientist.
When in collaboration, researchers in Pakistan work in multidisciplinary projects.
Internet Access Internet access is satisfactory in Pakistan.
Bibliographic Database some problems are there to access bibliographic database, scientist are facing. Some results are as follows
Researchers think Government behavior toward research is not so good.
Job Opportunities We did not get any good survey result about job opportunities for young scientist.
Foreign Degree Job Preference Survey indicates that the foreign PhD degree holder got job preference then Pakistani PhD degree.
Stipend Stipend amount should be between thousands for PhDs.
Workshops After every three months there should be a workshop in relevant field for PhDs.
Young scientist afford meeting there mentors /scientist in their department almost daily or more often but rarely meet with scientist of other institutions. Some survey results according to each options are as,
Scientist agrees with the Assertions discussed in survey i.e. scientific knowledge is universal and leads to useful innovations an developments. Researchers should produce goods for competitive market. Survey results are as,
Researcher’s Topic of Research………!!!
There are some serious issues scientist are dealing with, Access to equipment, Lack of technician(s),and other problems involving financial issues. And Power Problems are big ones. Survey results are as follows,
Promotion criteria…
There are very important criteria for promotion of senior scientist in their respective institute according to young scientist in Pakistan. Seniority, Publications in international journals, Award of research grants. Survey results are as,
Ph. D duration..
it usually takes more than three years in Pakistan for PhD degree because of lack of funds facility and motivational push to students.
20 % of participants had completed their Doctoral degree.
Young scientist agrees that Senior Scientists/ Advisor supports them in resolving issues like job and other social issues.
International workshops/Conferences Funding Scientist did not get funding facilities easily for International conferences and workshops.
Does your Institute offer research grants on competitive basis? In this question we got balanced responses.
Students of different universities took part in survey Students from almost 50 universities and 3 institutes (national and international) took part in this survey.
Short Note This survey come up with some evaluations that there are researchers who can work much better then they are working now but some administrative difficulties are obstacles in their approach.
Team Aftab Ahmad (President NAYS) Dr. Jawad Hassan (AP-Shifa College of Medicine) Farrukh Jabeen (PhD, QAU) Shahr Bano Mirza (COMSATS) Sheharbano (Survey Coordinator)