An online X Factor style competition for scientists where students are the judges. Students ASK questions to, and have live CHATs with scientists, then VOTE for their favourite to win £500 to spend on more STEM engagement. An online X Factor style competition for engineers where students are the judges. Students ASK questions to, and have live CHATs with engineers, then VOTE for their favourite to win £500 to spend on more STEM engagement.
See scientists and engineers as real people Student led activity (works for all abilities and age groups) Gives all students a voice Introduced to wide range of careers Free for schools, and simple to set up BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS “I think this works to help clear up any anxieties the students had over their abilities and their chances of becoming engineers themselves.” “The students are really engaged and firing off questions to each other across the room.” BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS “I thought scientists just looked like they do in the film Flubber and experimented on aliens or weird stuff but when I found out you liked Taylor Swift I realised you are more down to earth and not like mad scientist ” — Student, November 2015 BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS
“I think the best bit of I'm a Scientist is the weeks after - I got lots of 'Miss, you know when the scientist said...’” — Teacher BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS Gain fresh perspective on your work “The best crash course in science communication” – Ben Still, Scientist BENEFITS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS “I feel it was very time efficient! It meant that in one day I could talk to three schools with no travel time.” Take part without leaving your desk BENEFITS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS “You all helped remind me what an amazing field I work in and have encouraged me to continue doing my research and future outreach. You have inspired me and I hope I have inspired some of you – both boys and girls to study engineering. — Elizabeth Kapasa, Engineer BENEFITS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS “I cannot express in words how much I’d recommend this to any PhD student, science technician or any academic with time on their hands. It is certainly the most rewarding experience I’ve been part of. — Jess Wade, Scientist BENEFITS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS WHEN ARE THE EVENTS? Science Debate Kits are designed to help develop students’ discussion skills around scientific issues. They contain 8 debate cards outlining the opinions of fictional characters with an interest in a given science topic, and teachers notes to help you to carry out the lesson effectively. SCIENCE DEBATE KITS FOR SCHOOLS