Follow the directions on each slide to complete your map and key.
Get your map ready: Put your name on the paper. Add the title “ITALY”. Make a compass rose and fill in the letters for north, south, east and west.
Find Ligunia on your map and make a brown dot. Add a brown dot to your map key. = fort This is a picture of a fort we saw in the town of Camogli, Italy.
Find Lazio on your map and make a red dot. Add a red dot to your map key. = Coliseum This is a picture of the ancient Coliseum in Rome, Italy.
Find Campania on your map and make a green dot. Add a green dot to your map key. = Pompeii This is a picture of the ruins from Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii, Italy. You can see the volcano in the background and a plaster cast of a victim of the eruption.
Find Sicilia on your map and make a purple dot. Add a purple dot to your map key. = Vineyard This is a picture of the vineyards in Sicily, Italy. The plants are grapevines. They make wine from them.
Find Venito on your map and make a blue dot. Add a blue dot to your map key. = Gondola This is a picture of a gondola (it looks like a big canoe). Mr. Francescangeli and I went on a gondola ride in Venice, Italy.
Arrivederci! (that’s goodbye in Italian) This is a picture of our cruise ship and one of the churches we visited. What a wonderful trip!