Aina Planisi Arbona Science and English 5è Primary Education
INTRODUCTION In this unit we are going to find out the seven wonders of the world and through them we are going to discover the continents and the oceans. We are going to find out, as well as, the cultural aspects of these different countries.
THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD ● Christ Redeemer : Brazil, South America ● Machu Picchu: Peru, South America ● Statue of Liberty: NY, North America ● Great Wall of China: Asia ● Taj Mahal: India, Asia ● Sydney Opera House: Sydney, Australia, Oceania ● Petra: Jordan, Africa ● Pyramids of Egypt: Africa ● Colosseum: Rome, Italy, Europe We decide the wonders all together
The poster of the Wonder must have: ● FAUNA of the country ● FLORA of the country ● HISTORY OF THE WONDER ● FOOD ● LANGUAGE ● CURRENCY ● CITY ● CAPITAL ● COUNTRY ● CONTINENT ● OCEAN PICTURE OF THE FLAG
Give the students a map of the world. Size DIN A3
QUESTIONNAIRE Name of the Wonder: City: Country: Capital: Continent: Oceans around the Country: Typical food: Flora: Fauna: Draw the flag: Language: Currency: History of the Wonder: Do you like it? Give a mark to your classmates. (Fill in the questionnaire individually)
These are a few examples of the posters about the Wonders
This will be the last production ( individually)