How would you like to dig holes everyday on a dried up lake where it is hot and you get very little water?
That’s exactly what happened to Stanley Yelnats all because of a pair of shoes
Stanley is a teased teenager who always seems to be having terrible luck
Stanley Yelnats
One day when Stanley was walking home from school, a pair of shoes dropped from the sky on his shoulders
They were shoes from a famous baseball player
The cops found him with the shoes and he was sent to Camp Green Lake
When he got there he was greeted by the man second in charge of Camp Green Lake. His name was “Mr. Sir”
Stanley met other boys there. They were kids who committed crimes. Each boy has to dig a hole 5 feet deep and 5 feet across
Everyone has there nicknames. They call Stanley “Caveman”
They are always thirsty because they have to dig with the hot sun beating down on them
The water truck only comes a few times a day
Stanley tries to overcome his bad luck by getting used to digging, but he and everyone else hates it
Nobody knows why they have to dig holes except for the warden, the owner of the land and leader of Camp Green Lake. She is in charge of everything
Stanley becomes good friends with a boy named “Zero.” His real name is. Hector Zeroni everyone at camp calls him “Zero”
Everyone thinks that “Zero” is stupid just because he doesn’t talk that much
He wants Stanley to teach him how to read and write
Stanley wants to help his friend out, but he can only do that if “Zero” digs part of Stanley’s hole
The other boys don’t like how Stanley doesn’t have to dig all of his hole
One day one of the boys attacks Stanley as he is digging
“Zero” saves Stanley by jumping on his back and starts to choke him
The counselor comes and tells them to break it up
He said to “Zero”, why do you have to be so dumb?!
“Zero” smacked him with the shovel and he ran into the desert
A few days pass and still no sign of “zero”
Stanley runs into the desert to try rescue his best friend
Stanley finds “Zero” but he is in terrible condition
Stanley tries to convince “Zero” to come back to Camp Green Lake. “Zero” says he will never dig another hole in his life
They see a mountain in the distance and decide to walk to it
They climb up it but on the way “Zero” almost dies from dehydration
They get to the top of the mountain and find water and onions
They lived off the supplies for a little. They returned to Camp Green Lake
Stanley’s lawyer came to Camp Green Lake and told him that he was innocent and he could come home
He said that he wasn’t leaving without his best friend “Zero”
Stanley and “Zero” go back home and start a new life
On the ride home “Zero” told Stanley that it was him who stole the shoes and that he threw them off the highway bridge
Stanley forgives him and they stay best friends
Be courageous and never give up
Holes by: Louis Sachar Evan Dearie