¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español! con la Sra. Koonce
Hola- Hoy es lunes 23, de marzo del Historia de el español- Descubrimiento del nuevo mundo. Los Tainos Lugares y animales de Puerto Rico
La bandera de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico
Did you know who discovered Puerto Rico?
If you said; “Cristobal Colón” You are correct!
Can I have some money please?
El descubrimiento
On April 17, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain signed the agreement to finance and set the terms of Columbus's voyage to the Indies. The document is known as the Capitulations of Santa Fe. The agreement established that Columbus would become the viceroy and governor of all discovered land and rights to 10% of all assets brought to Spain, among other terms. On August 3, the fleet of three ships --the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria-- set forth from Palos, Spain. The first sighting of land came at dawn on October 12. They landed at San Salvador, in the Bahamas. Thinking he had reached the East Indies, Columbus referred to the native inhabitants of the island as "Indians," a term that was ultimately applied to all indigenous peoples of the New World.
Queen Isabel and King Fernando
Christopher Columbus On November 19, Christopher Columbus discovered the island in his second voyage to the New World. He found the island populated by as many as 50,000 Taíno or Arawak Indians. The Taíno Indians who greeted Columbus made a big mistake when they showed him gold nuggets in the river and told him to take all he wanted. Originally the newcomers called the island San Juan Bautista, for St. John the Baptist and the town Puerto Rico because of its obvious excellent potentialities. It was not until later that the two names were switched. Thanks in part to the enthusiasm of ambitious Juan Ponce de León, a lieutenant to Columbus, the city of Puerto Rico ("rich port") quickly became Spain's most important military outpost in the Caribbean.second voyage
La Niña, La Pinta, y la Santa Maria.
Colon travels to the Caribbean.
The History of the New World.
The New Land
Taíno Taíno Indians who inhabited the territory, called the island Boriken or Borinquen which means: "the great land of the valiant and noble Lord" or "land of the great lords". Today this word -used in various modifications- is still popularly used to designate the people and island of Puerto Rico. The Taíno Indians, who came from South America, inhabited the major portion of the island when the Spaniards arrived. The Taíno Indians, lived in small villages, organized in clans and led by a Cacique, or chief. They were a peaceful people who, with a limited knowledge of agriculture, lived on such domesticated tropical crops as pineapples, cassava, and sweet potatoes supplemented by seafood.Taíno Indians
Taínos de Puerto Rico í
Columbus meets the natives
1493 After the success of Columbus's first voyage, he had little troubleconvincing Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, to follow up immediately with a second voyage. Unlike the exploratory first voyage, the second voyage was a massive colonization effort. On September 25, Christopher Columbus set sail from Cádiz, Spain with 17 ships and almost 1,500 men. The second voyage brought European livestock (horses, sheep, and cattle) to America for the first time. After the success of Columbus's first voyage, he had little trouble convincing Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, to follow up immediately with a second voyage. Unlike the exploratory first voyage, the second voyage was a massive colonization effort. On September 25, Christopher Columbus set sail from Cádiz, Spain with 17 ships and almost 1,500 men. The second voyage brought European livestock (horses, sheep, and cattle) to America for the first time.
Columbus returns to Spain with gifts for the Queen and the King of Spain.
La historia de Diego Salcedo
According to the story, Diego Salcedo died in 1511, during a trip to Puerto Rico, when Taíno Indians, under the command of Agüeybaná II (brother of the great Taino Cacique Agüeybaná) and the Cacique of Añasco, Urayoán, drowned him in the Rio Grande de Añasco.Taíno Agüeybaná II AgüeybanáAñasco UrayoánRio Grande de Añasco
La capital de Puerto Rico es San Juan.
La plaza de Colón, Mayagűez. Puerto Rico.
El Yunque
San Juan, PR
San Felipe del Morro. Puerto Rico.
Vista del Morro
Lying on the northwestern-most point of the islet of Old San Juan, Castillo San Felipe del Morro is named in honor of King Philip II of Spain. The fortification, also referred to as el Morro or 'the promontory,' was designed to guard the entrance to the San Juan Bay, and defend the Spanish colonial port city of San Juan from seaborne enemies.Old San JuanPhilip II of Spain promontory
The construction of the citadel and its surrounding walls began in 1539 on orders of King Charles V of Spain. Its main purpose was to defend the port of San Juan by controlling the entry to its harbor. In order to have a viable defense while the rest of the fort was being completed, a small proto-fortress was erected during the first year of construction.Charles VSpainSan Juan
It is estimated that this section comprises about 10% of the whole structure. It was not till 1587, however, that engineers Juan de Tejada and Juan Bautista Antonelli drew the fort's final design, which was based on the then firmly established Spanish military fortification principles of the time. Thus, similar Spanish fortifications of the 17th to 18th centuries can be found in Cuba, Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, Veracruz and Acapulco, Mexico, Portobelo and Panama City, Panamá, and many other Latin American locations which were part of the Spanish Empire during the Age of Exploration. Juan Bautista AntonelliCubaSanto Domingo Dominican RepublicVeracruzAcapulco MexicoPortobeloPanama CityPanamáLatin AmericanAge of Exploration
Many complex structures were added onto El Morro over the next 400 years to keep up with the new military technologies; for example, El Morro's outer walls, which were originally constructed 6 feet (1.8 m) thick, had been augmented to 18 feet (5.5 m) thickness by the end of the 18th century. Moreover, in 1680, Governor Enrique Enríquez de Sotomayor began the construction of the city walls surrounding San Juan, which took 48 years to build.
The citadel was part of the Four Lines of Defense along with the San Cristobal Castle, the first line being formed by the San Gerónimo fortress and the San Antonio bridge. Today, El Morro has six levels that rise from sea level to 145 feet (44 m) high. All along the walls are seen the dome- covered sentry boxes known as garitas, which have become a cultural symbol of Puerto Rico itself.garitas
La garrita del diablo
The Lighthouse of the Castillo San Felipe del Morro was built atop the citadel in 1843, but was destroyed during the 1898 bombardment of the city by the United States; it was replaced by the US military with the current lighthouse in Including the exterior open killing grounds, known as the glacis and esplanade, which could be dominated by cannon in the 17th and 18th centuries, El Morro is said to take up over 70 acres (280,000 m²).Lighthouse of the Castillo San Felipe del MorroUS
Animales de Puerto Rico El Coquí
Culebra de Puerto Rico
Cotorra de Puerto Rico
El cangrejo de Puerto Rico
Pitirre de Puerto Rico
Reinita de Puerto Rico
La tortuga de Puerto Rico
Mi Familia
¡Hello!, My name is Sra.Koonce. I’m from Puerto Rico ¡Hola! Me llamo Sra.Koonce. Soy de Puerto Rico
Mi hijo se llama David Scott el esta en decimo grado. My son’s name is David Scott he is in eleven grade. El perro se llama Sasuke. The dog’s name is Sasuke.
Mi esposo se llama David. My husband name is David, he is a police officer. El es policía.