VOXEL BASED TECHNIQUES AND fMRI DURING PRONOUNCED PERIOD OF SYMPTOMS OF EARLY-ONSET RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME PATIENTS P.N. Margariti, L.Astrakas, S.Konitsiotis, L.C.Tzarouchi, S.Tsouli, M.I.Argyropoulou Medical School, University of Ioannina, Greece
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) sensorimotor disorder circadian pattern of symptoms insomnia insomnia daytime fatigue daytime fatigue sensory periodic limb movement, PLM
Pathophysiology Iron Dopamine
Conflicting results Functional MRI (fMRI) MRI Normal brain morphology Voxel-based morphometry T2 relaxometry Low iron content of the Substantia Nigra (*) Cerebellar, thalamic, red nucleus, reticular formation activity(*) *Bucher SF, Seelos KC, Oertel WH, Reiser M, Trenkwalder C. Ann Neurol May;41(5):639-45
low iron in SNc on T2 relaxometry fMRI during active dorsiflexion –plantar flexion of foot: significant activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Astrakas LG, Konitsiotis S, Margariti P, Tsouli S, Tzarouhi L, Argyropoulou MI. Neurology Sep ;71(12):911-6 primary or secondary effects due to iron deficiency
Purpose VBM VBR fMRI
Materials 11 RLS patients early onset 9 women, 2 men /- 8.4 years / years disease duration International Restless Legs Severity Scale (IRLS) : /- 4.8 (range 12-26)
Methods 1.5-Tesla scanner (INTERA, Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands). T1-weighted high-resolution (0.86 _ 0.86 _ 1 mm) three dimensional spoiled gradient echo sequence TR/TE 25 msec/4.6 msec) multislice spin echo T2-weighted sequence (TR, 2,200 msec; TE, 16 values between 32 and 112 msec; slice thickness, 5 mm; gap, 0.5 mm) single-shot multislice gradient echo planar imaging (EPI) (TR/TE, 3,000 msec/50 msec; flip angle, 40°; matrix, 64 _ 64; slice thickness, 5 mm; gap, 0 mm). Data pre-processing and analysis was implemented using statistical parametric mapping software (SPM5) running in MATLAB 7.6
VBMSegmentation Scanner specific template Modulation Smoothing Voxel by voxel Student’s t-test P < 0.05 FDR correction
Voxel by voxel Student’s t-test SmoothingNormalisation MNI template P < 0.05 FDR correction VBR T2 maps R2
fMRI MNI template P<0.001
Results - VBM
Results - VBR
Results - fMRI
Regression Analysis
Discussion-VBM Whole brain analysis at night hours VBM : no changes of GM, WM ≠ previous reports -Different populations -Different levels of statistical significance Medication treatment may have modulated controversial findings of previous reports
Discussion- VBR Whole brain analysis of the R2 index voxel- to-voxel VBR : normal R2 ≠ previous reports. -Different populations -ROI analysis The time of the exam may have modulated the relaxation rates measurements
Discussion Pars Opercularis (R) Respone inhibition on a Stop-Signal task(*) (*)A componential analysis of task-switching deficits associated with lesions of left and right frontal cortex. Aron AR, Monsell S,Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW. Brain 2004, 27(Pt7):
Discussion-Regression analysis Positive relationship of the activation of the pulvinar with age cortical –basal ganglia- thalamic circuits
Conclusions Early-onset RLS is not associated with brain volumetric alterations Low iron content shown in previous imaging or autopsy studies may be a secondary effect Hyperactivity of the pars opercularis possibly shows that brainstem or spinal neurones generate PLM
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