Maths Year 4
Understanding number Place value- what is each digit worth in a number? In year 4 we move on from 3 digit numbers to 4 digit numbers. Comparing and ordering numbers. Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
Adding In Year 4 we move on from adding 3 digit numbers to adding 4 digit numbers. Begin with number lines, counting on Moving on to the Expanded Column Method, partitioning numbers first. (Shown in video) Moving on to the Compact Column Method carrying over
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Subtraction Move on from subtracting 3 digit numbers to subtracting 4 digit numbers. Using a number line to subtract. Using the expanded Column Subtraction Method, including exchanging (shown in video) Moving on to using the Compact Column Subtraction method, including exchanging.
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Multiplication Multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number Extending to multiplying a 2 digit number by a 2 digit number. Using the grid method. Moving on to the Algorithm method (column) Why are we adding 0’s?
Try this: 234 x 6
Division Using a number line.
Try this 146 ÷ 5
Fractions Finding fractions of amounts. Finding equivalent fractions.
Try this 1/6 of 72 and 4 /6 of 72
Can you find equivalent fractions to 4/6?
Geometry Angles- Identifying acute, obtuse and right angles. Parallel and perpendicular lines Lines of symmetry.
Can you identify the angles?
Decimals Dividing numbers by 10 and 100. Multiplying decimals by 10 and 100 Decimals within money- calculating money problems.
Try this 456 ÷ 10 = 4.7 x 100 =
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