St Werburgh’s Primary Maths Workshop 2016
New Maths Curriculum All children should become competent with age related expectations. Most able children will be challenged by developing a deeper understanding of concepts and by solving problems that require greater reasoning skills.
Age Related QuestionsGreater depth Y1 Y3 Y5
Expectations Of Children Children will be able to calculate quickly and efficiently, Children will be able to solve problems and reason about their maths. Children will sit both a calculation paper and a reasoning paper in their SATs Tests. Children in all year groups are assessed in a similar way.
Key skills Counting forwards and backwards in ones and in groups. Number fact knowledge Written methods Applying calculation skills to a wide range of situations.
Number facts Year 1 – Know all addition and subtraction facts for numbers up to 20. Year 2 – Fluently recall addition and subtraction facts to 20. Know both multiplication and division tables for 2,5 and 10. Year 3- Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables Year 4- Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12. Year 5- Recall prime numbers up to 19. Year 6- Recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including different contexts.
Expectations in Addition Count all objects. Count on to solve a problem. Partition numbers and recombine = 40+20=60 3+5=8 Formal Written methods.
Expectations in Subtraction Count what’s left. Count back to solve a problem. Find the difference = =28 Formal Written methods
Expectations in Multiplication Count in groups. Recall of known number facts. Short Multiplication. Long Multiplication 24 X X
Expectations in Division Sharing equally. Count in groups. Recall of known number facts. Short Division. Long Division
Problem solving and reasoning It is very difficult for children to solve problems without fluency in number facts and written methods. Children need to be confident in recognising the calculation methods needed to solve problems. Children need to be able to explain the methods they are using. Children need to be able to explain how they know an answer is correct / incorrect.
Examples of Reasoning Questions. Year 2 Year 6
Maths Workshops Maths workshops in classrooms. Sample Maths SATs papers in hall.