Simple Chemical Reactions
Lesson objectives Change- Physical and chemical Reactants and products Word equations Experiments on physical and chemical change States of matter
Change It’s Everywhere You Go!!
Change Physical Change Chemical Change
Physical Change No new substance formed New substance and original have the same properties A change of state Reversible E.G: -Blowing Balloon -Broken Glass -Melted Ice
Chemical Change New substance formed New substance and the original differ Irreversible E.G: -Burning Paper -Rusted Vehicle -Fireworks Exploding
Physical and Chemical Changes Quiz Number your paper (1-10)
1. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Rusting nails
2. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Effervescent tablet
3. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Cut paper
4. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Vinegar and Baking soda
5. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Salt and water
6. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Broken glass
7. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Burning wood
8. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Ice melting
9. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Removing iron filings from a mixture
10. A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change Boiling water
Check your paper and place in notebook 1. B - Chemical 2. B - Chemical 3. A - Physical 4. B - Chemical 5. A - Physical 6. A - Physical 7. B - Chemical 8. A - Physical 9. A - Physical 10. A - Physical
Solving Chemical Word Equation
“Word equations” scare me!”
“Word Equations” make me nervous!”
“Word Equations? I just skip them!”
Don’t Worry! With just 4 easy steps, you can become… a Word EquationWhiz!
Word Equation A word equation is a way of telling in a short form as to how a chemical reaction has taken place. E.G : carbon combines with oxygen to give Carbon Dioxide. – This is a chemical reaction. carbon (g) + Oxygen(g) Carbon dioxide.(g) Note : the above written format in a SIMPLE MANNER is a Word Equation.
Chemical Reaction A “Chemical reaction” gives us information about the kind of a change in the state of matter that would take place. It classifies the entire “ happening” into: i) reactant ii) Product. E.G : A + B C + D ( Chemical Reaction) Reactant Product A, B C, D
Look for clues. Reactants : This will tell us what are the “things” that will combine. E.g. A + B Products: This is the “end point” telling us what new substances are formed. E.g. C + D
Which is R & P?? Carbon + Oxygen Carbon dioxide Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen. ( can you recall where this was used??)
Steps to write a chemical reaction!! Identify the reactants and products of the chemical reaction Write the names of the reactants on the left hand side with a “+” sign between them. Similarly, write the names of the products on the right hand side with a “+” sign between them. Place an arrow ( ) between the reactants and the products with the head facing the products. E.G: Sodium + Chloride Sodium Chloride
Task 1 1.Hydrogen and oxygen combine to give water. 2.Carbon reacting with oxygen to form carbon dioxide 3.Iron in presence of Moist air ( oxygen ) gives Rust “ For the above mentioned, write as word equation. Classify each of them into a reactant and product”. Self check the answers.
Reactions can be further divided into 2 types : 1.Reversible Reactions 2.Irreversible Reactions.
We did it! We are Word equation Whizzes!
Here are the steps once more: Step 1 – UNDERSTAND the reaction. Step 2 – Write in WordEquation (find which is R and P). Step 3 – Use Symbols! Step 4 – LOOK BACK.
STATES OF MATTER The Four States of Matter Four States Solid Liquid Gas Plasma
STATES OF MATTER SOLIDS Particles of solids are tightly packed, Solids have a definite shape and a definite volume. Heat
STATES OF MATTER LIQUID Particles of liquids are tightly packed, but are far enough apart to slide over one another. Liquids have an indefinite shape and a definite volume. Heat
STATES OF MATTER GAS Particles of gases are very far apart and move freely. Gases have an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume. Heat
PHASE CHANGES Description of Phase Change Term for Phase Change Solid to liquid Melting Liquid to solid Freezing
PHASE CHANGES Description of Phase Change Term for Phase Change Liquid to gas Vaporization Gas to liquid Condensation Solid to gasSublimation
At 100°C, water becomes water vapor,. Below 0°C, water solidifies to become ice. Between 0°C and 100 °C, water is a liquid.
But what happens if you raise the temperature to super-high levels… between 1000°C and 1,000,000,000°C ? Will everything just be a gas?
Some places where plasmas are found… 1. Flames
2. Lightning
3. Aurora (Northern Lights)
The Sun is an example of a star in its plasma state
Crystallization It is a process of formation of solid crystals of a substance precipitated out of a saturated solution. Crystals are solids where arrangement of particles are specific with repeated patterns. Example diamond crystals, copper sulphate crystals.
Precipitation is a method where the solid separate out from the liquid state. Saturated solution means a solution which can dissolve no more solute (material).
Give it a try! imlab/carbonatept1.html
Brownian motion The random movement of particles in the fluid or gas is called Brownian motion. It is zig-zag movement. It keeps hitting against the wall of the container and with one another.
Diffusion The movement of particles from higher concentration to lower concentration is called as diffusion.
COMBUSTION The chemical reaction between combustible materials and oxygen is called combustion. Reactants are oxygen ( fire/heat), combustible material Products are heat light & water and carbon dioxide. Eg. Lightening of matchstick, burning of wood