Welcome, Parents of Rising 5 th Grade Leaders Mrs. Holmes Mrs. Parr
KEYS to Success Organization & Study Habits Daily use of agenda book and homework folder. Parents are expected to sign the agenda book DAILY Homework is checked DAILY Maintaining two 5 th grade binders. Following Directions and Leading by Example 5 th Grade t-Shirt Self-advocacy Students are encouraged to initiate open communication with teachers and are held responsible for seeking out help when necessary (problem-solving skills) – we are preparing your children to be independent so that they are prepared for the rigors of middle school
5 th Grade Curriculum 5 th Grade Reading/Language Arts Heavy emphasis on the reading/writing connection Writing essays and routine writings based on reading (DAILY) – Essays follow IBC format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) Reading and writing independently for sustained amounts of time – at least 30 minutes at a time Reading different genres of text – literature and expository Oral language presentations and speaking about reading content Reading standards are spread across all content areas to include Science, Social Studies, Health, and Mathematics Quarterly Book Reports-extending reading beyond the classroom 5 th Grade Math Mastery of multiplication facts 1-12 are integral to success. Homework is assigned Monday through Friday per PGCPS guidelines
A BUSY Year Ahead! Hands-on learning! A multitude of cooking activities Science experiments and observations Special Class Events/Activities Multicultural Holiday Luncheon Maniac Magee Day Field Trips Owen’s Science Center Overnight CAMPING Trip Maryland Science Center Maryland Hall Theater University of Maryland College tour Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Smithsonian Museum of American History 5 th Grade Social (May) Recognition Ceremony (June)
This Summer…Before Entering 5 th Grade You can help prepare your child for success by: requiring daily reading and discussions encouraging the reading of unfamiliar genres journaling with your student- write about reading or your summer experiences. Help your child get into the habit of proofreading their mechanics – this will help in 5 th grade monitoring their everyday organization to prepare them for next year’s expectations memorizing multiplication facts 1-12 taking day trips, which will expand historical background knowledge- 5 th Grade Social Studies focus is American History
We Look Forward to Partnering with You Next Year!