Amphibians have been around for more than ___________ years. Frogs and their relatives have adapted to the ice age and global warming. They can be found in most ecosystems that include ___________. ECOSYSTEM – is a term used to describe Abiotic (_________) and Biotic (________) component Examples: Wetlands, marshes, deserts, lakes, oceans, forests.
Why are Scientists Concerned Indicator Species Many believe that the health of amphibians indicates the health of the ecosystem they live in. Breathe through their _________ and are directly exposed to external ______________ Essentially live two different lives – on water and land Hence the name Amphibian Amphi (_________)and Bios (_________)
Frogs occupy two different ecosystems: Tadpoles – __________ ecosystem Adult Frogs – _______ and Forest Since they are in two ecosystems, they are also in two FOOD CHAINS. FOOD CHAIN – _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ___
PRODUCER – an organism that can make their own _______ to give themselves ___________. EXAMPLE: Plants, algae CONSUMERS: an organism that must get its ________ by eating another organism ( cannot make their own _________ ) EXAMPLE: animals Parts of a Food Chain: All Food Chains start with the sun as it’s source of energy!
FROGS IN THEIR ECOSYSTEMS What do adult frogs eat? ________________ ( mostly ) ________________ ( limited ) What animals eat frogs? ___________________________ __________________________ ___________________________
The adult frog is part of a food chain that includes PRODUCERS, HERBIVORES, CARNIVORES, OMNIVORES. HERBIVORE – _________________________________ EXAMPLES : ____________________ CARNIVORE – Organism that eats only __________________ EXAMPLES : _____________________
OMNIVORE : Organism that eats both ___________ and _____________. EXAMPLES: What do tadpoles eat? __________ ( small plant-like organisms) Both living and dead
The Tadpole is a _________, where the adult frog is a __________. Therefore, the Tadpole is in a different food chain. The Tadpole has two food sources: 1. ________________ ( algae ) 2. Detritus DETRITUS – _________________________________ _________________________________
Detritus food chains are critical in the recycling of _________ in ecosystems. Decomposers are in a Detritus food chain which helps release ____________ to the ________and ____________. ___________ and algae use those nutrients to grow. DECOMPOSERS – An organism that gets its energy by consuming and breaking down detritus. EXAMPLES: Bacteria, fungus
Frog/Tadpole Food Chains Copy both Food Chains into your notebooks (figure 2 and figure 3) Be sure to clearly label each component
Nature: Frogs: The Thin Green Line PBS Video
1. LOSS OF HABITAT This is mention as the main cause We are destroying the __________ with ____________ We are cutting down ____________ We are building _____________ and ________ between the two ecosystems.
2. AIR AND WATER QUALITY Frogs have thin _______and ______________ from the sun. Frogs breathe through their skin and by lungs. _______________ therefore can go through their skin This affects the ability to reproduce
3. ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION The thin skin is also susceptible to ____________________________ Frogs have adapted by developing a ________skin and laying ____________. Scientists don’t believe that frogs will adapt as fast as global warming.
4. CLIMATE CHANGES ____________________ are causing changes in the climate. Increase use of _____________ (such as _________, oil, ________) Climate changes affect the local ecosystems.
Questions # 1 a) and b) 2, 3, 4 a) and b) 5, 6 a) and b) and Reflecting Question # 7