The Functions of Science Pure science Applied science is the search for knowledge; facts. is using knowledge and facts in a practical way. e.g., aluminum strong lightweight good conductor
How does scientific knowledge advance? 1. curiosity 2. good observations 3. determination 4. persistence
The Scientific Method
Key: Be a good observer. observationinference involves a judgment or assumption uses the five senses
Types of Data Observations are also called data. qualitative data quantitative data clear liquid e.g.,e.g., descriptionsmeasurements 55 L or 83 o C
Parts of the Scientific Method Identify an unknown. (or a System) Make a hypothesis: a testable prediction Repeatedly experiment to test hypothesis. procedure: order of events in experiment variable: any factor that could influence the result (i.e., a recipe)
A Scientific Experiment conclusion: must be based on the data Experiments must be controlled: they must have two set-ups that differ by only one variable
Scientific Law vs. Scientific Theory law: Theory of Gravity, Atomic Theory states what happens tries to explain why or how something happens -- e.g., does not change law of gravity, laws of conservation never violated -- theory: -- e.g., -- based on current evidence
What is Chemistry? The study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, its changes, and the energies that result from these changes.
Branches of Chemistry: –1–1. Analytical chemistry –2–2. Organic chemistry –3–3. Inorganic chemistry –4–4. Physical chemistry –5–5. Biochemistry –6–6. Nuclear chemistry
Areas of Chemistry Organic Analytical Finding out what is present and in what amounts. Inorganic Biochemistry Studies everything except carbon e.g., compounds containing metals. The study of carbon- Containing compounds. Measure the physical properties of Substances, e.g., the melting point of gold. The study of the chemistry of living things. Physical
Careers in Chemistry Research Basic Research –Carried out for the purpose of increasing knowledge a. Commercial applications can result from basic research, but they are not the goal of basic research Applied Research –Carried out to solve a problem a. Cures and vaccines for diseases b. Non-polluting fuels Technological Development –Application of discoveries to products that improve quality of life a. transistors and microchips b. optical fibers
Careers in Chemistry production (quality control) development (manufacturing) chemical sales software engineering teaching
The skills you will develop by an earnest study of chemistry will help you in any career field.
The Scope of Chemistry pharmaceuticals nylon, polyester, rayon bulk chemical manufacturing petroleum products synthetic fibers acids, bases, fertilizers fuels, oils, greases, asphalt 1 in 10,000 new products gets FDA approval spandex, **sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) = #1 chemical
All fields of endeavor are affected by chemistry.