Chemistry Ch 1
Chemistry is the Study of Matter Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Air is matter Light and heat is not
Areas of Studies of Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry The area of Chemistry which mainly deals with how all of the elements on the Periodic table reacts EXCEPT with CARBON – Inorganic Chemistry is the main focus of this class
Organic Chemistry The study of chemicals which contain Carbon. This would include all medicines, plastics, food, and organisms.
Biochemistry This area of chemistry deals with the chemistry of living things.
Physical Chemistry This type of chemistry deals with the heats and rates of reactions as well as the chemical and physical properties of chemicals used for specific applications.
Analytical Chemistry This field of chemistry detects what type (Qualitative analysis) and what quantity (Quantitative analysis) of chemicals are present in a sample. Montgomery City’s water report was the result of Analytical Chemistry
Pure Chemistry The Pursuit of Chemical Knowledge just for the sake of knowing. No application of the knowledge gained is expected or anticipated, but latter applications may be found.
Applied Chemistry What you learned is being applied to a practical or profitable application. Often the application is established first and then the Chemist will try to discover chemicals to fit the need.
Technology Allows humans to do things which they couldn’t do before. Allows humans to do things quicker, faster, more efficiently than they could do before. Often improves the standard of living or quality life
Macroscopic Objects large enough for you to see with the unaided eye. This would include galaxies even though you need telescopes because the are large, but far away.
Microscopic Objects so small that they can’t be seen without magnification. This includes, most cells, molecules and atoms.
Energy Conservation – use it wisely with less waste Production – releasing the energy stored in chemical bonds Storage – ways to store the energy – such as thermal, chemical bonds, nuclear bonds, electrical and physical storage.
Scientific Method An experimental approach to discovering new knowledge. It always starts, proceeds and ends with observations and evaluation of what is observed.
Scientific Method Observations: In Chemistry, you typically use sight, sound, touch. Normally taste is not done because of safety which is also why you should not eat or drink in class. Smelling chemicals is also discouraged for the same reason.
Scientific Method Formulate a Question following observations.
Scientific Method Formulate a Hypothesis = a proposed solution to the question proposed. To be scientific, the Hypothesis must be testable and have an opportunity to be proven incorrect by the tests. Most religious concepts can’t be tested scientifically, but that doesn’t make them wrong, just not testable.
Scientific Method Develop an experiment to test the Hypothesis. Preferable, most things will not allowed to be changed. Those are called the controls.
Scientific Method The change you permit or cause to occur is called the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. ( like the time a car travels for one hour or three hours) The change which occurs because of the Independent variable is called the DEPENDENT VARIABLE. (like the distance a car travels in one hour or in three hours)
Scientific Method During an Experiment, Data is collected, charted, graphed, and now : ANALYZED to determine if the experiment supported or disproved the Hypothesis.
Scientific Method Communicate your results to others so they may also perform your tests and validate your results.
Scientific Method After repeated independent tests, if the Hypothesis is still supported, it may be called a LAW or a THEORY.
Scientific Method SCIENTIFIC THEORY: This theory has been repeatedly tested and supported in the tests. As far as we can tell, it is correct. Future tests may show it to be incorrect in which the Theory will be replaced or more likely it will be modified and improved.
Scientific Theory A Scientific Theory both explains and predicts what is going to happen. Such as the theory on how stars evolve.
Scientific Law A Scientific Law summarizes the results that you should expect. It allows you to predict what will occur, but it doesn’t explain why your predictions occur. Such as the Universal Law of Gravitation
Problem Solving We will use the Unit Analysis approach to problem solving all year long – especially 2 nd semester Balls of string cost 65cents and are 75% off. What is the final cost for 10 balls of string?
Problem Solving Analyze – Calculate – the clerk says it costs $3.65 Evaluate – does this seem reasonable?