LLG for jobseekers Guidance services within the ÁFSZ Development a national LLG service and the role of the PES Mr. Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze Dissemination conference Brussels, 19 February 2009
LLG for jobseekers The shift from a command economy to a market- based democracy also brought along the need for a complete overhaul of human resource management, which had been based on central planning. With funding from the World Bank, USAID, German, Canadian aids and the Soros Foundation (Open Society Institute) a range of major and later definitive professional programmes were launched in Hungary. ÁFSZ has a strong historical background providing guidance services, early 90’s
LLG for jobseekers Job Club (1993) Occupational Information Counselling (1995) –Occupational information files –Adaptation and development of videos introducing occupations Graduate training of job and career counsellors (1992, first employment: 1995) Procurement, development and piloting of psychological, counselling and occupational psychological tools at county-level (20) (MB, GATB, local tools, e.g. Csirszka’s interest assessment test, etc.) Development of counselling tools –Choices ’96 (later Choices 2000) –Locally developed questionnaires to assess interests, work modes, and aptitudes. Development of applied labour market human services in Hungary
LLG for jobseekers With the new qualification in place based on the German and Canadian models (Mannheim College, today University) and the PES’ active role (both as a user of services and as an employer), Hungary was the first of the transition economies to organise career counselling as a profession outside the discipline of psychology. Thus both psychological and pedagogical and interdisciplinary counsellor training successfully took root in Hungary. By the early 2000s counsellor training was in place at several faculties, such as: − Undergraduate and postgraduate job counsellor training − Undergraduate counsellor-teacher training as part of social pedagogy degree courses − Postgraduate counsellor-teacher training − Postgraduate counsellor-psychologist training − Postgraduate student counsellor training − Postgraduate addiction treatment consultant training, and finally − Postgraduate social integration counsellor training. Because of the Bologna process new BA and HR counsellor MA degrees were introduced from 2006.
LLG for jobseekers Legal background of guidance services within the ÁFSZ In 2000, the Ministry of Economy issued a special decree (Decree 30/2000 (IX. 15.) GM) on labour market services and a detailed list of services was included in the Employment Act. Job, career, job search and local (regional) employment counselling a) Job counselling, b) Career counselling, c) Job search counselling, d) Rehabilitation counselling, e) Psychological counselling related to the counselling activities under Points a)-d), and f) Local (regional) employment counselling. It also means that both pathway and career guidance services are available for registered job-seekers as well as for active age citizens and students.
LLG for jobseekers The past
LLG for jobseekers Distance guidance – web based developments Between 2002 and 2004, 9 of the twenty County Labour Centres and their consortium partners received PHARE funding to implement LLG network development projects. As a result, close to 900 teachers were engaged in LLG training along with the set-up of three regional career choice portals. Of them, from the spring of 2005, the portal available at has been functioning as the central LLG portal of the PES. The present
LLG for jobseekers Future plans Under the Social Renewal Operational Programme of the New Hungary Development Plan a new project was launched „Renewal of guidance tools and activities in Hungary” 1st phase duration: September 2008 – September 2010 Main parts: 1.) renewal tools and protocols, develop a LLG system 2.) reinforcing G services – widening access 3.) development of web-based services „epalya2” 4.) further training for practitioners
LLG for jobseekers
LLG for jobseekers Thank you for your kind attention!