Pattern for Life The truth about Jesus
Life is full of patterns: 365 (366) days a year Spring – Summer – Autumn – Winter Sunrise – Zenith – Sunset The night sky The moon phases
Pattern is useful, comforting Pattern is also Godly …….
God graciously gave an annual pattern that “signposts” the life and ministry of Jesus the Messiah In the next slides we will explore this pattern ……
First things first! Let’s take a quick look at our common calendar and contrast it with the calendar that God ordained for His Chosen People
The solar year
? the pagan year ?
The lunar year
The agricultural/-farming year year
The lunar year The agricultural/-farming year year The calendar through which God establishes His Moedim
What are God’s Moedim – His appointed meeting points with His People – and how do these Moedim speak of Yeshua ha Massiasch – Jesus the Messiah?
What are the seven Moedim – appointed by God? The following notes are from Rosemary Bamber’s helpful study “In Time With God”
What are the seven Moedim – appointed by God? The following notes are from Rosemary Bamber’s helpful study “In Time With God” Published by In Time with God Publications (2012)
The Biblical feasts, as given to Moses in Exodus 12, Leviticus 23, Numbers 28, 29 and Deuteronomy 16, are called in Hebrew Moedim, which means appointed times They were times appointed by God to give specific revelation to Mankind, and for something to happen God gave the Jewish people particular commandments concerning what to do on these appointed times Rosemary Bamber
God did this so He could reveal truth about Himself and His plan to redeem and bring people into His kingdom, not only from the Jewish nation, but to save people from ‘every tribe and tongue’ The seven main appointed times detailed in Scripture form two main clusters – the first three ‘feasts’ occur in the Spring, the fourth in early summer, then the final three occur in the autumn in the seventh month Rosemary Bamber
At His first coming Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled the symbolism of the feasts that come in the Spring, on the exact days they occurred on the lunar calendar of the Old Testament. But the symbolism of the autumn Moedim has yet to be fulfilled in its entirety. Rosemary Bamber
God’s Moedim Let’s take another look at God’s rhythm for living, based on the lunar calendar …..
The solar year
The lunar year
God’s Moedim How are God’s Moedim spread across the year? What does God’s “Jesus Pattern” actually look like?
God’s Moedim A snapshot of God’s signpost to Jesus looks like this:
Passover Un-leavened bread
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3)First Fruits
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits These first three Moedim are clustered just days apart
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot Shavuot is set at Passover PLUS 50 days, and covers that entire period
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot The “Latter First fruits”
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot (5) Trumpets
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot (5) Trumpets (6) Atonement
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot (5) Trumpets (6) Atonement (7) Tabernacles
God’s Moedim So that’s it! That’s God’s “rhythm” for the worshipful year These are the times that God has Scripturally set aside to reveal to us His Salvation purposes. Let’s take another look:
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot (5) Trumpets (6) Atonement (7) Tabernacles
God’s Moedim But what’s all this got to do with Jesus?! Actually, it got everything to do with Jesus ……..
God’s Moedim The Moedim, these appointed meeting points during the year, each speak of Jesus the Messiah. They speak of the entire purpose of God’s Salvation plan. We will not un-pack this fully here, but we can summarise as follows:
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot (5) Trumpets (6) Atonement (7) Tabernacles (1)Deliverance / crucifixion (2)Redemption / the price paid (3)Messiah / resurrection (4)Redeemed harvest / the saved (5)Re-gathering / repentance (6)Atonement / forgiveness (7)Thanksgiving for latter harvest / Jesus is with His people / Jesus is with His people
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot (5) Trumpets (6) Atonement (7) Tabernacles (1)Deliverance / crucifixion (2)Redemption / the price paid (3)Messiah / resurrection (4)Redeemed harvest / the saved (5)Re-gathering / repentance (6)Atonement / forgiveness (7)Thanksgiving for latter harvest / Jesus is with His people / Jesus is with His people It’s all about Jesus!
God’s Moedim God’s annual rhythm, which points toward Jesus the Messiah and His completed ministry, is disarmingly simple! We summarize this rhythm in the next slide, but will un-pack it fully in a subsequent lesson:
Eternal home Forgiveness and new life Second coming Eternal Harvest Resurrection Burial Crucifixion
God’s Moedim It would undoubtedly be a blessing to all of us to have a greater sense of God’s Moedim, of God’s yearly Pattern
Interim Conclusion: God’s Pattern (Moedim) speak of every aspect of the ministry of the Lord Jesus – from pre-history to His return in glory We will pursue this through seven further slide-sets, looking at each of the biblical Moedim in turn
God’s Moedim – study materials Slide deck # 10 please join again for further bible study materials as they are developed