VOCABULARY Spirilla Bacilli Cocci Flagella Fission Aerobes Anaerobe Facultative Anaerobe Antibiotics Saprophytes Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Pathogen Toxin Endospore Vaccine Pasteurization Petri Dish Nutrient Agar Control Group Independent Variable Dependent Variable Autotroph Consumers Eubacteria Archaebacteria
What Do You Already Know?
Characteristics Bacteria can live almost anywhere!!! Your skin has 100,000 per cm 2 – Draw a cm2 on the back of your hand. Some can live in extreme heat (Thermophiles) Some can live in very acidic environments (Acidophiles) Some can live in Salty Environments (Halophiles)
If so many live on our skin why aren’t we sick all the time?
Structure Three basic shapes – Sphere shaped : Cocci (pl) Coccus (sing) Draw what you think these bacteria look like: – Rod Shaped : Bacilli (pl) Bacillus (sing) Draw what you think these bacteria look like: – Spiral Shaped : Spirilla (pl) Spirillum (Sing) Draw what you think these bacteria look like:
Structure (cont.) Very small May occur in Chains = Strep or in Groups= Staph Cell walls Prokaryotic – No membrane bound organelles Many have one chromosome and a small circular piece of DNA called a plasmid.
Reproduction Binary Fission : Asexual Reproduction – Identical DNA – Basically Cell Division Conjugation : Similar to Sexual Reproduction – Tube forms between cells – Exchange DNA – More Variation
Obtaining Energy Autotrophs: organisms that make their own food (producers) Consumers: Organisms that must digest food for energy. – Saprophytes : break down dead organisms – Parasites – live off other living things
Obtaining Energy (cont.) Respiration : Using oxygen to break down food – Aerobe : uses oxygen – Anaerobe: does not use oxygen – Facultative Anaerobe: with or with out oxygen
Eubacteria Producer Eubacteria – Common Name: blue-green bacteria – Contain chlorophyll – Photosynthetic – May also be yellow, black, or red ***Important Food Source for Aquatic Life*** Effect on Table Rock Lake Read Article on Front Desk
Consumer Eubacteria – Gram Negative : Cell wall stain Pink or Red – Gram Positive: Cell wall stain blue or purple – Gives information about what types of medicine to use against infections.
Archaebacteria Extreme conditions – Thermophiles – Acidophiles – Halophiles Methanogens – Organisms that produce methane gas as a waste, live in intestines, use to break down sewage.
Beneficial Bacteria Make cheese, sauerkraut, vinegar, and yogurt. Recycle nutrients into environment. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Bioremediation used to clean up toxic materials in environment. Vaccines
Harmful Bacteria Pathogens- produce diseases May produce poison called toxin. – Clostridium botulinum causes botulism Many toxin producing bacteria also form endospores as a survival mechanism during unfavorable conditions.
Prevention WASH YOUR HANDS!!! Pasteurization Vaccines Proper food handling/prep Treatment Antibiotics