Milling Defined The process of cutting away material by feeding a workpiece past a rotating multiple tooth cutter
Vertical Milling Machine
Milling Machine Parts
Horizontal Milling Machine
Milling Operation
Conventional or Up Milling
Climb Milling
Milling Cutters
End Mills
Tool Holding for Milling
End Milling
Face Milling
Milling Workholding Devices
Calculating RPM For Milling RPM = CS x 4/D Where RPM = Spindle speed (in revolutions per minute). CS = cutting speed of milling cutter (in SFPM) D = diameter of milling cutter (in inches)
Calculating Feed Rate For Milling Feed Rate is expressed in IPM IPM = CPT x N x RPM IPM = Feed rate in inches per minute. CPT = Chip per tooth N = Number of teeth of the milling cutter
Calculate Feed Rate For Milling Given The Following: CS = 300 D = 0.5” CPT = N = 2
Answer The first step is to calculate the spindle speed before the feed rate can be calculated. RPM = CS X 4/D = 300 x 4/0.5 = 2,400 The second step is to calculate the feed rate. IPM = CPT x N x RPM = x 2 x 2,400 = 24 IPM (Inches Per Minute)
Offset Boring Head
Right Angle Attachments
Digital Readout
Bed-Type Milling Machine
Horizontal Knee/Column Milling Machine
Machining Center
Calculate IPM and RPM Given that: –CS = 250 –D = 0.25” –CPT = –N = 4 Show your work here: RPM = _______; IPM = ________ Your Name: ________________________