QUICK REFERENCE CARD EA TO EA POSITION CHANGE Manager Self Service NAVIGATING TO TAKE ACTION 1. From the Home page find the My Team tile and click the photo or name of the person whose Job & Compensation you wish to change. 2. Click 3. Click Change Job & Compensation Info. 4. This will open up the Update Employee Records screen where you can select to update Job Information and/or Compensation depending on the change being made. JOB & COMPENSATION CHANGES This Quick Reference Card details information required to appoint an EA team member to another EA position. This includes: Support Materials available Navigating to take action for a Job & Compensation change Completing a Job & Compensation Change Frequently Asked Questions WHAT IS A JOB & COMPENSATION CHANGE Line managers are responsible for processing a change to an team member’s job and / or compensation information. A change to an team member’s job or compensation information in SuccessFactors is required when an individual’s employment conditions change. Some examples might be a change in: Pay Base hours or number of days worked (for part time employees) Position including Short Term Reliefs / Secondments COMPLETING A CHANGE FOR SOMEONE MOVING OUTSIDE OF YOUR TEAM If your team member is moving to another store / site you will need to complete a Line Manager change first. The new Line Manager will then complete the Secondment change to move them into the position within their team. Please refer to the Quick Reference Card ‘For Someone Moving Outside Your Team’. 2 2 SUPPORT MATERIALS AVAILABLE There are a number of Quick Reference Cards and Simulations that cover common scenarios such as: Moving an employee to a position outside of your team Completing a Job Information change for a Short Term Relief Completing a Job & Compensation change for a Secondment People Portal – To Access these additional support materials go to: tent/wowPeoplePortal/en/homePage/conte nts/informationPage/Pay_and_Basics/cont ract_hours_job_a.html tent/wowPeoplePortal/en/homePage/conte nts/informationPage/Pay_and_Basics/cont ract_hours_job_a.html Glossary of Terms – having trouble completing a Job & Compensation change because there are some unknown fields within the system? This is a great tool that provides definitions of all terms, as well as links to policies that support them. This is available on the People Portal at: tent/wowPeoplePortal/en/homePage/conte nts/contentPage/glossary_of_terms_fo.ht ml tent/wowPeoplePortal/en/homePage/conte nts/contentPage/glossary_of_terms_fo.ht ml People Advisory– You are able to contact the People Advisory team for assistance with Job & Compensation changes via the “Get Help” link in the People Portal: wowpeople.woolworths.com.au
QUICK REFERENCE CARD EA TO EA POSITION CHANGE Manager Self Service 8.Ensure that the Base Hours and Working Days Per Week are correct for the employee. Update as required by typing into the fields. Remember if you change their base hours or days to update their contract hours once the change has been approved. Please note: If your team member is a casual you will need to set Base Hours to the maximum ordinary hours a team member can work (as determined by your EA) and your Working Days per Week should be set to 5 which is the preferred maximum number of days a team member should work. 9. Ensure the leave entitlements is correct for your team member. Update if required by clicking the drop down menu. Please note: You should select Casual for casual team members. 9. Select the appropriate Pay Scale Level from the drop down menu. Please note: Refer to your Enterprise Agreement for assistance. Please note: You do not need to update Compensation as the system will automatically calculate any pay changes (excluding merit based allowances). COMPLETING A JOB & COMPENSATION CHANGE 1.Once you have navigated to the Employee Record screen select Job Information to make a change. Please note: You only need to select Compensation if you are giving your team member a merit based allowance. 2. Using the calendar select the date that this change will take effect. 3. In the My Employee ID field type your Payroll ID number and select your name. 4.Select the applicable position from the Position dropdown menu. Please note: You will only be able to select positions that report to you. Please refer to the support material on how to find a Position ID. 5. Once you have selected the position you will notice that fields within Organisational and Job Information update and the previous entries will be struck through to the right of the field (as shown in the example below) 6. Select Permanent from the Type of Employee Movement from the drop down menu. Please note: You should only use Permanent for a permanent position change. Please refer to the specific support materials for managing Secondments and Short Term Reliefs. 7. Ensure that the Employee Group field is correct for your employee, update if required by clicking the drop down menu. Please note: If you select Casual the system will automatically include the casual loading upon submitting the request. This will be visible in the Compensation section.
QUICK REFERENCE CARD EA TO EA POSITION CHANGE Manager Self Service 2 2 COMPLETING A JOB & COMPENSATION CHANGES… 11.Once you have reviewed all changes click. This will be sent to your team member to review and approve. 12.You are able to enter any comments within the textbox. Please note: Your team member will be able to see any comments you add. 13.Click to send this to your team member for approval. Please note: Your team member must approve this change within this system before it can take effect. 14.You can review your change request by clicking the Pending Approval change at the top of the Job Information screen. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q – A – Q – A –