STEMulating Student Engagement with Digital Storytelling Day of Discovery May 7, 2011 Tracy Carpenter Twitter: carptracy
Essential Question How can we engage students with STEM-related content through digital storytelling?
Session Resources Check out the LiveBinder
“STEM Education attempts to transform the typical teacher- centered classroom by encouraging a curriculum that is driven by problem- solving, discovery, exploratory learning, and require students to actively engage a situation in order to find its solution.” - DRPF Consultants,
STEM Student-centered Cross-curricular Critical thinking across disciplines Opportunities for PBL Exercise the creative process
“The 1980’s called. They want their worksheets back.” - unknown #edchat user, Twitter
Discovery STEM Resources Amazing resources: Video Audio Images Interactive Professional Development
What is Digital Storytelling? Using a digital tools to tell a story Create Narrate Brainstorm Storyboard Audio Organize Images Publish
WHY? Easy to answer the what and the how. But….
Why should I use digital storytelling? What are the learning outcomes?
Why Digital Storytelling? encourages critical thinking promotes collaboration builds visual literacy gives students a voice offers students a chance to contribute, not just consume *Writing trumps technology
Blooms Digital Image: Andrew Churches,
Types of Stories Personal narratives Recount or examine historical events Inform or instruct
Process -Brainstorm -Storyboard -Script Write -Choose digital tools -Add images, audio, video Create -Share -Embed -Project -Publish Share Frame Essential Question cite sources
Make it work for you! Flexible! Fit your classroom Assess student needs Set goals
Digital Storytelling with Web 2.0 Tools
Why Web 2.0? Ubiquitous Access for all Files not local A+ for collaboration Participatory/Social Flattens classroom Model behavior…. Be the learner you want students to be!
Challenges of Web 2.0 Connectivity Student usernames and passwords Focus too much on the tool, not the learning
Your Responsibility Know the capabilities of Web 2.0 Question…. Why this tool? How will this tool enhance learning? What are the learning outcomes? Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Digital Storytelling with Web 2.0 tool computer/ mobile device Internet Connectivity What you need…
Produces videos You upload content Super easy to share Provides teachers an upgraded account
Upload your content *Insert PowerPoint slides by converting them to image files
Food Chain: The Deciduous Forest Ancient Engineering: Roman Aqueducts
Ideas Create a visual trip through time Publish the designs and diagrams of a car of the future Explain through illustrations a difficult math concept Demonstrate how to protect food from bacteria
A super fast Animoto tutorial Check out the Wiki for a fabulous (lengthy) tutorial
Pick your theme Upload your content
Arrange content, add text, spotlight content, reorder
Choose your music
Customize your video
Add title, description
Animoto will render your video, then you can view
Share, embed, download or export
Mix it up! digital art + paper art
Engineering the Perfect Superhero
Interactive poster Drag and drop interface Upload images, video, audio Offer teacher portal/class management tools Easy to share glogs/easy to keep them private Flash-based
Ideas Explore U.S. Ecosystems Examine alternative energy resources Create a virtual zoo exhibit Publish a video diary of plant growth
essential question answer essential question students explain how they affect the Chesapeake Bay
images link to Google Docs
A super fast Glogster tutorial Check out the Wiki for a fabulous (lengthy) tutorial
name glog upload content tool set
Design your glog wall
Add text, graphics
Add images, video
Save, publish, tag glog
Share, embed glog
( Blabberize) Virtual Zoo Exhibit Giraffe Video
Upload (like Animoto) collection of media Easy narration Engage in digital discussions through voice, text and drawings Provides teachers an upgraded account Flash-based
Ideas Discuss how electricity is generated Examine why water is essential to life on earth Tell how Reduce–Reuse–Recycle-Recover impacts student’s daily life Narrate and draw new math concepts
Crows – What do you think? Invention Day
A super fast VoiceThread tutorial Check out the Wiki for a fabulous (lengthy) tutorial
Upload your content
View, reorder content
Comment with voice, text or drawing
Share, embed, export
Remember! Content first, technology second Keep students at the center of the lesson Ask for help! Make it work for you and your students