Allison, Curtis M.; Bottu, Srikanth; Heckadon, Monica I. Group Project 12A Client: LTC Avery Leider An Analysis of Student Internet Usage and its Impact on the Infrastructure
Introduction College students Internet use is on the rise in developed countries such as the United States. The use of the Internet in the educational environment has enabled easy access to many resources, and information sharing has, therefore, significantly increased. Moreover, the prevalence of this sharing has brought additional benefits in that these resources can be used in any location and any time. Internet is appealing to higher education for a number of reasons: it reduces the time lag between the production and utilization of knowledge; it stimulates international co-operation and exchange of opinions; it extends the sharing of information; and it promotes multidisciplinary research. To date, no tested, validated and confirmed result to understand the Student Internet usage among Undergraduate Students in Pace University. The purpose of this research and analysis is to “yield data that helps the school respond to the Internet usage in ways that optimize service in both areas: in how that service is perceived as well as in how it meets the actual demand. “ For this, we conducted a survey and following research on college students; our present analysis has examined the actual Internet usage among Internet users (aged 15–40) who are pursuing their Undergraduate at Pace University, USA.
Procedures Used a survey to examine the students from Pace University Internet habits. This survey provided the team with clean and straightforward data that was easy to chart and graph. Compared the survey data against previous studies to determine how the use of Internet is changing and how will this impact the School infrastructure. Created a Network Analysis that compares actual data with survey data.
Tool use to date: Survey Monkey Total Responses to date: 77 Date Created: Sunday, February 28, 2016
Q1.What is your gender? Q1. What is your Gender?
Q2. What is your background? Q1. What is your Gender?
Q3. What is your Major?
Q4. What is your Age Group?
Q5. How long do you use the Internet per day ?
Q6.Have the Internet enhanced your academic performance?
Q7. Has Internet services helped you, the student, in your academic pursuit?
Q8. What kind of device do you use most to connect to the Internet?
Q10.What is your primary purpose in using the Internet?
Q12. What Social Media site do you use the most?
Survey Data Analysis Results
Prominent Group 1
Prominent Group 2
Academic Enhancement
Internet Usage
Network Analysis In order to capture the traffic and application data of the students at Pace, we would need to access 2 main components of the network. (Outlined in red). The first, is the Edge Routers. The edge routers would be able to provide information such as port #’s, protocols, routing tables, forwarding tables, logs etc. The combination of all the router data would be able to give us a look at what type of traffic is being sent/received, what applications are using it, and which student is involved. (Firewall also needed to determine student identity) The second component is the Edge Firewall. The firewall will be able to provide information such as user-access/control lists (what specific users have access to certain areas of the network), user ID’s, blocked IP’s/Subnets, and traffic logs Both devices are usually configured for logging and would have all the traffic metrics per student.
Survey vs Network Analysis Data comparison
Network Data Analysis Overview Denied by Pace University ITS department to obtain network information Substituted data with findings from similar study done by University Utara Malaysia (UUM) Study focused on HTTP traffic analysis over 5 day period
Comparison of Data Pace Student Survey 90.67% of students indicated internet “enhances their academic performance” 41.89% of students state “they use the internet for education” 33.78% of students said they use the internet for entertainment and social media Average daily usage was found to be 5-6 hours Network Data UUM network analysis indicated the largest percentage of HTTP traffic was social networking and entertainment sites at 42% of the total weekly traffic Search engines made up 19% of total HTTP traffic E-Commerce sites represented 9% total HTTP traffic Educational and Information services sites were 3% and 2% of total HTTP traffic
Comparison of Data con’t Pace Student SurveyNetwork Data
From a light Evident disparity between perceived internet usage and actual network traffic Should educational institutions take it upon themselves and start implementing restrictive network policies to only allow internet usage for academic purposes? The comparison results could also raise the questions that perhaps technology has enabled us to be connected at all times, so much so that maybe it is now hindering productivity rather than promoting it? Better question is, how can the school use this information to expand further and incorporate this to expand their educational system?
From another perspective In a study made by Cisco in 2015 it foretold that by the end of 2016 the global internet traffic will surpass the zettabyte threshold. That is 1 billion terabytes of data. The same study, suggested that by the end of 2019 it will reach 2 zettabyte per year. If expanded further, this research can help schools determine: A.If they are ready for what is to come, as devices become cheaper and accessible to all B.Provide a better, faster and secure Internet.
Conclusion It is clear that students feel, or at least, project that they are managing their time effectively while using the internet on campus. The network traffic analysis suggests otherwise. The amount of information consumed over the internet is only increasing and the trend of a constant connection to the online world is only going to continue to grow. How will the school handle the Internet Resources, are they prepare for the next decade? Should better and stronger policies come into play? How will they take advantage of this situation and implemented for better Academic Success?