Estonian experience in developing national ICT Competence Framework Kutsete süsteemi arendamist toetab Euroopa Liit Katri-Triin Maripuu
Main topics Estonian ICT sector Project outline and steps Mapping ICT sector jobs Next steps Our experience
Estonian ICT sector More than 2000 companies in ICT sector Sector is very fragmented 40% of companies have <10 employees Less than 5% of companies have >250 employees Many combined job roles
Project outline Introducing the Project to companies, cooperation with Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications Mapping ICT jobs in the sector Developing national ICT Compentence descriptions based on European e-Competence framework Updating and developing ICT occupational qualification standards
Mapping ICT sector jobs Create general understanding of most represented ICT jobs and roles in the sector Focus on ICT sector companies, not on IT jobs in other sectors Focus on core business processes
Mapping ICT sector jobs Defining main functional processes – Software development – Systems administration – Telecommunications network operations and managament – etc Defining main competence levels – Strategic Management – Expert/Management – Top Specialist – Specialist – Junior/entry level Specialist – Skilled Worker
Mapping ICT sector jobs Survey among ICT companies, mainly Members of the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications Invitations to participate was sent to approx 60 companies More than 20 companies submitted their answers
Example of the Map 1
Next steps Working with European e-Competence Framework Create common understanding among ICT companies Describe national ICT Competences based on European e-Competence Framework Develop new occupational qualification standards in ICT field
Example of the Map 2
Our experience Create and assign a working group from the representatives of companies who are devoted to invest their time and effort Create system of concepts and definitions that are well defined and understandable to employers Employers are interested to create common understanding of relevant ICT competences Estonian ICT companies have approved the European e-Competence Framework as a good basis for creating National Framework
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