The conversation continues… Southwark Voluntary Sector Strategy Development May 25 th 2016 – Cambridge House
AGENDA 2.00Cllr Barrie Hargrove, Cabinet Member for Communities and Safety 2.10What happened last time Simon Mitchell, Senior Commissioning Manager, Southwark Council & Gordon McCullough, CEO Community Southwark 2.30 Workshops 3.25 Feedback 3.40Next steps
FEEDBACK FROM PREVIOUS SESSION Last time we asked… What is the value of the VCS What has changed to require a new strategy? What are the challenges the strategy should address?
Value of the VCS Social connector Preventive services Empowering and supporting communities Part of the social fabric
What has changed? Models of funding Communities Widening gaps Increased demand, reduced resources
Challenges to address Communication Consistency Impact Intelligence Marketization of the sector Collaboration
Key points raised last time Think local: ensure the local sector is first and foremost; invest in it and ensure a diverse market. Ensure a range of voluntary opportunities open to people both in and not in work – delivered locally by local people. Effective services for local people and the information needed to provide them Sustainability needs to be built into the strategy. Outcomes to be delivered in collaboration. Focussing on joint working and community wellbeing. A holistic approach and contributions to prevention.
Key points raised last time Uniqueness of the VCS: not a substitute for statutory services; has its’ own qualities, skills and experience. Recognise the borough is changing and this brings challenges. Understand the complex relationships between the sectors. The strategy should set out the process of how we work together to identify problems and find solutions. Strategy built on mutual trust, respect and shared values, with a better understanding of what each is trying to achieve and what each partner is good
Emerging ideas for principles Better services Stronger communities Lead to change Measuring impact / measureable outcomes and clear focus – realistic Avoid duplication Outcomes focussed for population Maximise benefits per £ spent. Appropriate funding / costing / Cost effectiveness in a different way Innovation (valued) but not for the sake of it Local residents get access to services for their needs Improve ways we learn and develop (360 degree learning)
What should the strategy achieve? Improved communication Improved partnership working Better understanding needs Greater focus on local Consider new ways of working The strategy is not a list of commissioning intentions
Workshops What value can the council, the CCG and other partners bring when working with the voluntary and community sector?
Workshops Where should we focus? Themes around the room Add comments/thoughts (or an issue we are missing) Vote
Themes Premises/asset transfer Commissioning Grants Volunteering Working together Innovation
Themes Information sharing/intelligence Community cohesion Supporting the sector/sustainability Maintaining the local sector Outcomes Understanding each other
Next steps Lines of inquiry Smaller focused sessions Check back on outcomes Strategy completed by Sept