Love and War
Similarities of Love and War Destroy normality Intense level or perception and sensitivity Fear of trust Cause for celebration Two dedicated parties Extremes of emotions
Different types of love Love – Othello and Desdemona Father and daughter love – Desdemona and her father Brabantio. Un-requited love (Infatuation) – when your love is not returned. Roderigo and Desdemona. Negotiated affection – Bianca and Cassio. Friendship – Cassio and Desdemona and Desdemona and Emilia.
Othello Othello is a soldier who only knows how to battle. Un-experienced in the love. But he feels that his marriage to Desdemona is the most important part of his life. Therefore his life becomes unstable when he thinks their love is ‘betrayed’ by Desdemona. His life is on the battlefield. “Farewell the plum’d troops and the big wars…farewell the royal banner and all quality…pride, pomp, and circumstances of glorious war!” Quote shows that he thinks his identity as a soldier is over which shows that he prioritises his relationship with his wife more than his identity. Act 3 scene 3 line Cannot stand insecurities. Feels that Desdemona doesn’t love him enough and its ‘false’ love. Doesn’t deserve her love. These feelings are enforced when Iago reminds him of her betrayal to her father Brabantio.
Relationships Othello and Desdemona: Othello sees the obvious – needs the proof. (handkerchief scene) (beginning of act 2 : Othello demands “ocular proof” Act 3 scene 3 line 365. Desdemona can see deeper. She sees Othello in a entirely different way that even Othello cannot see himself. As Othello has a hard time accepting himself because of the colour of his skin and he is an outsider.
Desdemona Purely innocent and naïve. Loses love from Brabantio but gained love from husband Othello. Desdemona and Othello’s love has caused war for her father and the dukes. Othello paints Desdemona as a pursuer. As she fell in love with his war stories.
Iago and Emilia Emilia wants to please her husband although she thinks that he isn’t a good person. “Are all but stomachs, and we all but food they eat us hungrily and when they are full the belch us”.Act 3 scene 4 line Emilia would do anything for her husband so he can become higher ranked in social status. “But for the whole world…who would not make her husband cuckold to make a monarch”. Iago doesn’t love his wife. But feels betrayed when he thinks she’s had an affair. Iago just assumes. Emilia’s death can stem from Iago’s hatred of women altogether. War between the 2 genders.