2 Background In order to increase the success rate of Learnerships, it is important for both the Employers and the Training Providers to adhere to laid down Policies and Procedures. Compliance plays an important role when running Learnerships.
3 Compliance The following compliance elements need to be considered: The Lead Employer must appoint an accredited Training Provider, (accredited with INSETA or any other SETA ETQA) The Training Provider appointed must have the scope for the qualification to be delivered. A contract must be signed between INSETA, Employer and Training Provider before the Learnership commences.
4 Compliance (Continued) The training provider must have registered Assessors and Moderators who have the scope to assess and moderate the learning. Learner details must be loaded on the SMS before commencement of the Learnership. Both funded and non funded learnerships must comply with the Inseta Policy requirements.
5 Challenges The following are common problems encountered in Learnerships, which hinder success: Implementing learnerships without written approval of INSETA, especially for non-funded Learnerships Incomplete learner documents and or information submitted to INSETA, e.g. unsigned Learnership Agreements, no proof of learner employment status, no proof of disability, etc. Late submission of agreements Use of Assessors and Moderators that are not registered and/or do not have scope Use of Training Providers that are not accredited to deliver Cross Sectoral Learnerships -
6 Challenges (Continued) Use of Training Providers who have no scope for the qualification Learner information not loaded on SMS. Delays in start completion of learnerships. Failure to inform INSETA of changes in the Learnership, e.g. Change of Qualification Change of Training Provider Learner Termination
7 Challenges (Continued) Failure to follow the Qualification’s rules of combination Insistence on using expired qualification Failure to submit Progress or Closure reports Learner credits not loaded on the SMS All the above ultimately lead to delays in learner certification NB: verification will take place only after Progress or Closure reports are submitted to INSETA.
8 Process for Cross- Sector Learnerships When applying for a Cross- Sector Learnership, follow the same process as laid out for other INSETA Learnerships. INSETA will liaise with the relevant Seta regarding your application Where there are problems regarding the Training Provider, Assessor & Moderator you proposed to use, the relevant SETA’s report will be communicated to you by INSETA for remediation before commencement of the Learnership As soon as remediation has taken place, submit the relevant documentation to INSETA. The latter will submit them to the relevant SETA for approval. INSETA’s written approval to continue with the Learnership is important.
9 Changes in the INSETA Learnerships processes Applications for Learnerships will be online with effect from August Reasons are: To create a more reliable, user friendly application Limits chances of non-compliance Streamline processes More efficient use of INSETA Learnerships personnel Strict timelines will apply to ensure compliance with closing dates as set by INSETA
10 Learnerships Funding The INSETA allocates discretionary grants for learnerships thus: - Mega Companies (2000+ employees) - 25% - Macro Companies (1999 – 1000 employees) – 25% - Large Companies (999 – 150 employees) – 20% - Medium Companies (149 – 50 employees) – 15% - Small Companies (49 – 0 employees) – 15% Open Window for applications – 15 August to 30 September 2008
11 Going forward Please Note Applicants will be given 30days from date of receiving correspondence confirming provisional allocation of funds from INSETA, to submit any outstanding documentation. Thereafter, the provisionally allocated funds will be withdrawn. Withdrawal of funds will be communicated in writing to the applicant (employer). This means the employer will have to wait for the next year (next open window) to apply again.