Career Planning Guide
California Career Planning Guide, Second Edition Produced by the California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) Sources
Step 1: Learn About Yourself Step 4: Test the Waters Step 2: Investigate the World of Work Step 3: Use What You Have Learned Step 5: Find and Get the Right Job! The Career Planning Cycle
Learn About Yourself Characteristics Inventory Multiple Intelligences Checklist Skills Assessment Interest and Personality Assessment (The Holland Party Exercise) Job Values Inventory Self-Assessment Wheel
Characteristics Inventory Employers want employees with certain positive characteristics. This exercise assesses your character to identify to what degree you have those qualities. It then becomes a blueprint to help you make yourself more employable. For each quality, HONESTLY indicate whether you are that way rarely, sometimes or often. When you interview for jobs, stress the qualities you marked "often." Before you interview, improve on those you marked "rarely!"
Characteristics Inventory Web Word Version Exercise 2:
Multiple Intelligences Checklist Web PDF Version Exercise 3
Skills Assessment California Career Zone Exercise 4
Transferrable Skills General abilities that can be used in a wide variety of jobs Plan and arrange events and activities Delegate responsibility Motivate others Attend to visual detail Assess and evaluate my own work Assess and evaluate others' work Deal with obstacles and crises Multi-task Present written material Present material orally Manage time Repair equipment or machinery Keep records Coordinate fundraising activities Coach Research Build or construct Design buildings, furniture, etc. Manage finances Speak a foreign language (specify language) Use sign language Utilize computer software (specify programs) Train or teach others Identify and manage ethical issues
Technical Skills Specialized skills that relate to a specific career Painting Welding Roofing Cooking Processing X-rays Helping patients Installing carpets Arranging flowers Driving a backhoe Recording sounds Caring for a child Driving a truck Farming
Employability Skills Transferrable and Technical Skills Employers are looking for Individuals who possess a strong and wide variety of transferable skills as well as technical skills. Clearly state your skills on your resume and in your interview
Interest and Personality Assessment When your job matches your interests and your personality, you are more likely to be happy and successful in your work. Make your vocation your vacation and you will never work a day in your life!
Holland Types-The Party Take the Quiz Imagine you are at a party with six different groups of people gathered around the room. Read the description of the six Holland Types Realistic (Adventuring/Producing) Artistic (Creative) Enterprising (Influencing) Investigative (Analytic) Social (Helping) Conventional (Organizing)
Holland Types
Holland Themes Hard Copy - Holland Themes
Top Choices _____ _____ _____ Which interest type represent your first, second, and possible, third choice? Your top 2 or 3 choices represent your Holland Code.
Holland Occupations by Category Realistic Mechanical/Fixing Electronics Carpentry Manual/Skilled Trades Protective Service Athletics/Sports Nature/Outdoors Animal Service More Realistic Career Options
Holland Occupations by Category Investigative Mathematics Scientific Research/Development Medical Science More Investigative Career Options
Holland Occupations by Category Artistic Writing Creative Arts Performing and Entertaining More Artistic Career Options
Holland Occupations by Category Social Community Service Educating Medical Service Religious Activities More Social Career Options
Holland Occupations by Category Enterprising Public Speaking Law/Politics Management/Supervision Sales More Enterprising Career Options
Holland Occupations by Category Conventional Office Practices Clerical/Clerking Food Service More Conventional Career Options
Interest and Personality Assessment Wrap-Up You should now begin to see how your interests, hobbies, and personality are interrelated with each other and the world of work? The information you received by completing a self-assessment can assist you with your job search!
Job Values Inventory What job qualities do you most value? Complete the Job Values InventoryJob Values Inventory The top five values you listed can be a starting point when conducting job searches, informational interviews, and when networking. They are a reminder of what type of job you are looking for.
Summary Worksheet Download, print and complete the Summary Worksheet Summary Worksheet Keep in your Career Planning Folder Don’t forget to update it!
Self-Assessment Wheel Download, print, and complete the self-assessment wheel self-assessment wheel