OBJECTIVES Explain what are the importance of Chemistry and how we deal with it. Explain what is Chemistry and how people deal with it. Identify the different branches of Chemistry. Differentiate Organic chemistry form Inorganic chemistry.
Sometimes called “the central science” Is the science dealing with the elements and atomic relations of matter and various elemental compounds. Deals with the composition of substances and the changes that take place in their composition
Why is it important to study Chemistry???? Chemistry is a part of our everyday living and markedly affects our lives. Chemical changes take place around us affecting the condition under which we live. We are enjoying a more confortable and beautiful life because of the great variety of materials provided to us by chemical processes.
Three important concerns of Chemistry
First, to identify different materials and to distinguish one from the other. Second, to study the composition and uses of materials or to separate materials. Third, to transform certain materials into different ones or to prevent them form being transformed.
Branches of Chemistry
Organic chemistry = defined as the chemistry of carbon. Inorganic chemistry = Is the study of all other elements aside from carbon.
Physical chemistry = which is concerned with the physical properties and structure of matter and with the laws and theories of physical changes.
Biochemistry =defined as the study of living organisms
Nuclear chemistry = deals with reactions of the nuclei of the atoms and their fundamental particles.
Analytical chemistry =deals with reactions of the nuclei of the atoms and their fundamental particles.