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Geography History Big cities Sport and Nature What is „outback“? Schools of the air Famous people
is divided into states and 2 territories a great part of the surface is desert population is about 20 milion inhabitants the capital city is Canberra has more than 2000 national parks
Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean in the southern hemisphere Smallest continent in the world The sixth largest country The highest mountain is Mt. Kosciusko
Consists australian continent,the island of Tasmania and a lot of smaller islands Neigbours include Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, The Solomon Islands, New Zealand
The island was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770 Tasmania was settled in 1803 and became a separate colony in 1825 The original inhabitants were Aborigins
The biggest cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide The biggest and the oldest one is Sydney with its famous Opera House and Bridge Harbour
Brisbane is an important financial and centre There is a port and international airport Melbourne is nation´s financial and commercial centre There are many parks in Melbourne
Very popular in Australia Australians like water sports as surfing, swimming or rowing Famous swimmer is the Olympic winner Ian Thorpe
Australia hosted the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney in Australian Open is held annually in Melbourne. Very popular are rugby, australian football, cricket, netball, field hockey
Australia has many Unique animals like kangaroo, koala, emu, kiwi, wombat dingo or platypus. There are a lot of species of snakes and spiders.
Most of Australia is semi-arid or desert Typical plants of is eucalyptus and the national flower is wattle.
This part of the continent is practically empty and far away from cities Much of it is desert and semi-arid land The outback is characterized by cattle or sheep „stations“ and they are similar to ranch
Children from families living here can´t travel to school every day, so many of them use a special school „ School of the air“ They study at home and comunicate with teachers by radio or the internet Teachers prepare lessons for them and send them by post or
Russel Crowe (an actor) Ian Thorpe (a swimmer) Mel Gibson (an actor) Nicole Kidman (an actor) Kylia Minogue (a singer) AC DC ( a music band)
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