U.S. author “T’was the Night Before Christmas”
Nolan Ryan threw two no-hitters in a season
Johnny Bench hit his 314 th homerun This broke Yogi Berra’s record
Lee May hit 4 homeruns in a double-header content/uploads/2013/06/LeeMay.jpg
Ty Cobb hit 2 inside the park homeruns!! ecords/images/ty-cobb.jpg
Brooks Robinson hit for the cycle going 5-5 with the Orioles. Arguably hardest thing to do in baseball.
Baseball’s first no-hitter!! St. Louis’ George W Bradley! quick-starts/206441d gambo-t_wil1-photopack-george_bradley.jpg
Baseball players voted to strike if no contract was reached with baseball owners. The strike was just a one-day thing.
The 57 th MLB All-Star game was in Houston. Roger Clemens was MVP. 4).jpg/220px-Roger_Clemens_2005_(4).jpg
Willie McCovey becomes 15th to hit 400 HRs. “McCovey Cove”