Healthy Eating Mrs. Meadows’ Class
The Food Pyramid Use this as a guide to healthy eating
Water Water is the most important part of the food pyramid Drink more water than any other beverage
Fruits These are sweet and easy to eat Eat colorful fruits
Vegetables These are fun to eat Eat lots of colors Eat them raw
Grains Chose whole grains A sandwich is 2 servings of grains It provides fiber Rice and pasta are kids favorites
Milk and Cheese Drink milk for breakfast Eat yogurt Cheese is tasty on pizza Take it easy on ice cream
Meat Lots of good protein Eat eggs for breakfast to have a good day at school
Fats, Oils and Sweets Junk Food Group Eat sometimes It can hurt your tummy
Good Foods Chose good foods everyday Eat sweets occasionally Enjoy eating
References Dole 5 A Day Kid’s Health od/pyramid.html od/pyramid.html Nutrition Exploration