GCSE Computing – Topic 4 Lesson 1 – Units ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage
CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do Starter On the sheet you have been given, match the data/file to the storage unit it is most likely to be stored in.
CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do Task Sort the following storage units into the correct size, starting with the smallest and finishing with the largest. Peer Evaluate Look at how the person next to you has sorted the storage units, do you agree/disagree with this? Why?
CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do Unit Sizes Computers can only store data as 0s or 1s, this is because they are digital and use electronic pulses which can be either ON (1) or OFF (0). Each 1 or 0 is known as a bit, the smallest unit of storage. 8 bits makes up a byte. A single keyboard character uses 1 byte. A nibble is a term used for 4 bits (half a byte). It is not used that often as most processors uses groups of 8 bits or more.
CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do Unit Sizes You have probably never dealt with those file sizes as they are so small. These are file sizes you are probably more familiar with:
CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do Task You have been given a list of statements about storage units. For each one you need to decide whether it is TRUE or FALSE. Once you have done this, for any that are FALSE, you need to re-write them so that they are correct.
CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do Why have Binary? As humans we have a number system that uses numbers 0-9. This is called a ________ system. We live in an _________ world, with values working along a scale. For example, the temperature will not drop instantly from 20c to 2c, it will go down gradually on a scale. Humans can _________ and _____________ analogue data, however ____________ cannot. They can only deal with __ and __, this is ________ data. This is because the data is transmitted as _________ pulses which are either __ or ___, they only have two states. Therefore before computers process data it must be converted from ________ to _________.
CHALLENGE TO: define the different the types of units used for file storage ASPIRE TO: describe why computers store data in the format they do Plenary You are to create a story that begins 'Once upon a time,' it can be about anything within reason, but you have to try and include as many keywords listed below as possible. Example: Once upon a time a little kilobyte was about to start at the local school for storage units. She was nervous because she had some of the larger pupils....